
CBRB Postdoctoral Association (CPA)

The CBRB Postdoc Association (CPA) is a group of postdocs and Junior Fellows within the CBRB. We are run by postdocs, for the benefit of postdocs, so get involved!  Find out more

You can find information on postdoc events through our SharePoint site or by checking our noticeboard in the lobby of the Flowers Building. The purpose of our meetings is to encourage interaction, debate and collaboration, whilst also sharing some laughs and good times. 

CBRB Postgraduate Student Group (CPG)

The CBRB Postgraduate Student Group (CPG) is the social and scientific association for all postgraduate students (MSc, MRes, PhD) studying at the CBRB.  The aim of the CPG is to act as both a social and scientific hub for postgraduate students in the CBRB in order to enrich their experience and enable them to make the most of their time at the Centre.   Find out more


Where we are

Imperial College London
Flowers Building
Exhibition Road
London SW7 2AZ