Senior Staff

DLS Leads

  • Dr Chris Nicklin

    Personal details

    Dr Chris Nicklin Science Group Leader for Structures and Surfaces at Diamond Light Source

  • Dr Paul Quinn

    Personal details

    Dr Paul Quinn Science Group Leader for Imaging at Diamond Light Source

  • Dr Sofia Diaz-Moreno

    Personal details

    Dr Sofia Diaz-Moreno Science Group Leader for Spectroscopy at Diamond Light Source

Research Staff

DLS Research Staff

  • Dr Thokozile Kathyola

    Personal details

    Dr Thokozile Kathyola Research Associate at Diamond Light Source

Postgraduate Students


  • Calum Green

    Personal details

    Calum Green Research Postgraduate

    Research Project

    Title: Developing Solutions for Multimodal Heterogeneous Data Fusion

    Supervisors: Professor Daniele Dini (ICL) and Dr Paul Quinn (DLS)

A Cleaner Energy Future

What does ‘net zero’ mean and how is Shell working to be net zero in both the UK, and across our global businesses? Find out more by visiting Shell's website.

A vision for sustainable zero pollution

Find out more about the Transition to Zero Pollution at Imperial.