Low-temperature hydrogen fuel cells are promising candidates for clean and efficient electricity generation. However, O2 reduction at the fuel cell cathode possesses sluggish kinetics. At the current state of technology, platinum group metals and their alloys are the most commercially utilised catalysts for O2 reduction. However, the high cost and low accessibility of platinum group metals and their alloys hinder the commercialisation of fuel cell devices.

Our strategy

Our work focuses on the synthesis of platinum group metal-free electrocatalysts using various techniques, with aims that include enhancing stability and increasing the intrinsic activity by tuning the active site configuration. We also research ways to reduce the loading of required platinum group metals by optimising the local structure. We also research beyond the active site with related electrochemical engineering problems, such as modifying the electrochemical interface, engineering the porous support, and bridging catalyst testing to industrially relevant gas diffusion electrode setups.

Contacts: Angus Pedersen, Silvia Favero, Simon Kellner, Mengnan Wang, Jesús Barrio Hermida

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Prof. Ifan E. L. Stephens

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