Developing the Strategy
What has happened so far?
The Faculty Deans presented their own strategies at Provost’s Board, and the Board has spent time at each meeting discussing shared ambitions and vision, laying the groundwork for the Academic Strategy. Discussions were also held in departments and faculties, and staff were encouraged to feedback thoughts to Heads of Department. The Provost met collectively with the Heads of Department in June to learn directly from them how their discussions were progressing.
A draft strategy was presented to staff and students at a number of consultation sessions and online during July 2019. Feedback from the staff and student consultation was collated and reviewed by Provost’s Board in order to refine the strategy.
Working groups were formed for each strategy theme and student experience. These included expert researchers and teachers, and student representatives from across the four faculties. These groups brought together expertise from across disciplines to review the themes and to generate ideas for new projects, initiatives and investment. These groups met initially during the autumn term of 2019 and feedback from the groups was incorporated into the strategy development.
In January 2020, staff, students and external partners gathered together to celebrate the launch of the Academic Strategy and look ahead to its implementation. Find out more about the launch
Updates to the academic mission 2021
In light of the changed circumstances of the College and the sector after the pandemic, the Provost is currently reviewing the academic mission with the aim to develop a refreshed vision for the next decade of the College’s education, research and translation activities. It will build on the existing College strategy and Academic Strategy 2020-25 themes and activities, and identify new opportunities for renewed focus. More details will be shared with the College community soon.