Dr Antoine Cully
Personal details
Dr Antoine Cully Reader in Machine Learning and RoboticsSend email+44 (0)20 7594 8204
354, ACE Extension
South Kensington Campus
London, SW7 2AZ
Postdoctoral Research Associates and Research Engineers
George Mavroghenis
George Mavroghenis
Kamil Dreczkowski
Kamil Dreczkowski
Luke Beddow

Luke Beddow
Oscar Pang
Oscar Pang
Dr Paul Templier
Dr Paul Templier
Rodrigo Chacon Quesada
Rodrigo Chacon Quesada
PhD Students
Hannah Janmohamed
Hannah Janmohamed
Konstantinos Mitsides
Konstantinos Mitsides
Lisa Coiffard
Lisa Coiffard
Luca Grillotti
Luca Grillotti
Manon Flageat
Manon Flageat
Maxence Faldor
Maxence Faldor
Maxime Allard
Maxime Allard
Runjun Mao
Runjun Mao
Alumni Researchers
Dr Bryan Lim
Dr Bryan Lim
Dr Simón C. Smith
Dr Simón C. Smith
Master students
- Oliver Rosen
- Dilay Ecvelik
- George Mavroghenis
- Aidan Holmes
- Ioana Mihailescu
- Haotian Wu
UROP Students
No UROP students at the moment
- Jenny Zhang (UROP student)
- Alexander Reichenbach (master student)
- Charles Coster (Joint with EPFL, master student)
- Davide Paglieri (master student)
- Félix Chalumeau (master student)
- Kevin Landert (master student)
- Yuanhai Tan (master student)
- Mike Xu (undergraduate)
- Robert Jin (undergraduate)
- Elliot Gunton (undergraduate)
- Matthew Cheung (undergraduate)
- Wai Lee (undegraduate)
- Alexandre Chenu (master student)
- Andy Wang (master student)
- Eivinas Butkus (master student)
- Olle Nilsson (master student)
- Rory Hedderman (master student)
- Sacha Hu (master student)
- Szymon Brych (master student)
- Vincent Jarasse (master student)
- Yanis Guimard (master student)
- Bryan Lim (UROP student)
- Cornel Micu (UROP student)