Next course dates: Tuesday 5 November – Tuesday 3 December

Menopause Health Course

Menopause can still be a taboo subject in our society and often women miss out on the benefits of being physically active during this time. We cannot underestimate the role that physical activity and lifestyle choices play in the menopause and that is why Move Imperial are shining a light on this topic. Join one of our instructors, Karen for a 5-week online health course exploring Trigger Point Pilates EVOLVE exercise and relaxation techniques for the menopause. The course costs £15 per person and you will be able to keep the equipment. This course is not just for people who are perimenopausal or menopausal; this course is also for people wanting to learn more and prepare their bodies for the menopause.

Topics that will be covered are: exercise and relaxation techniques, mood swings, brain fog and sleep issues. There will also be a discussion around nutrition, herbal supplements and how HRT may help. There are only 10 participants on the course which will hopefully allow people to share their thoughts and experiences to support each other. Each participant can benefit from a short one to one with the instructor Karen to discuss any individual issues and concerns in a safe, confidential environment, which may inform later sessions.

More information on Fit2RelaxLondon and the EVOLVE programme can be found online.

The next course

The next course will be running every Tuesday between Tuesday 5 November – Tuesday 3 December. The sessions are 17:15 - 18:00 and are all online. The link to the sessions will be sent to you once you are enrolled on the course.

If you would like to join the next course, please sign up here.