The purpose of the department review process is to provide a view of the department to assist the HoD and their colleagues in developing and/or implementing their strategy to ensure that departments’ performance is of the highest calibre. The review will encompass analysis of existing data across the range of activities within the department together with the department's self-evaluation, as an opportunity for assessing the current situation in the department and strategy setting. The review will be co-chaired by the Vice-Provost (Education) and Vice-Provost (Research and Enterprise) and consider the department's direction for the next period. The Review Panel Report and action plan will be reviewed and approved at Provost’s Board. Further, the review will identify positive achievements and best practice which can then be raised for wider College adoption.

It began with a pilot undertaken by the Department of Chemistry in the Summer Term 2022 before reviewing and finalising the process at Provost’s Board in September 2022. The timeline for subsequent reviews of Departments will be decided and will, in part, be informed by the outcomes of this pilot exercise.

The review is not intended to be a large additional burden for the department, nor should it duplicate existing processes or data collection.

Areas that are expected to be covered in the review include:

1.   The quality of the department's research, including its participation in inter-departmental, inter-Faculty and inter-disciplinary activities, its research profile and strategy, and future challenges and opportunities.

2.   The quality of undergraduate and graduate programmes and their delivery and related issues, including student experience, access and admissions; widening participation, implementation of the Learning and Teaching Strategy; academic and pastoral support; graduate training; quality assurance.

3.    The organisation of the Department, its management structures and the relationship between the department, the Faculty and the University’s central support services, including such matters as: strategic planning (including the role of the departmental External Advisory Board); academic and non-academic staff planning and recruitment; student number planning; academic career development, space utilization and future needs; fundraising.

The Strategic Planning Division will work closely with the department to support the collection and provision of data. The department will write a report using this data, and the report will then be submitted to a panel for review. This review panel will subsequently produce a report including recommendations and commendations to Provost’s Board for approval.

For further information please contact David Manning ( Senior Planning Officer, Strategic Planning Division.

Panel Membership

Panel membership

Panel members will be confirmed through consultation between the Provost and Department. The balance between internal and external membership may differ between faculties but a panel of 6-9 members drawn from the suggested list below will be utilised.

  • Vice-Provost (Education and Student Experience) and Vice-Provost (Research and Enterprise) – (Co-Chairs)
  • Dean from another Faculty
  • Vice-Dean (Education) / Vice-Dean (Research) from another Faculty
  • Two senior academics (inc. one other HoD) from another department with an understanding of the discipline
  • Consul or Pro-Consul
  • At least three external reviewers:

              - Geographic spread across UK/EU/US

              - Educational and research expertise

  • Student representative to be drawn from either the ICU President or Deputy President for Education
  • Finance Group representative (observer status only)


Further information

Any queries can be directed to David Manning ( in the Strategic Planning Division.