Masters courses
MSc Advanced Chemical Engineering w. Process Systems Engineering
This specialised stream enables students to develop an understanding of the mathematics relevant to systems engineering and gives an advanced treatment of control theory and modelling, along with their application to the field of process systems engineering.
MSc Applied Bioscience and Biotechnology
There are increasing career opportunities worldwide for experienced graduates who have been trained in advanced molecular biosciences, systems and synthetic biology and ‘ omics ’ technologies, together with exposure to entrepreneurship and innovation.The objective of this course is to provide postgraduates equipped with the required interdisciplinary skills in applied biosciences and biotechnology for this growing sector.
MRes Bioimaging Sciences
This one-year MRes course covers the fundamentals of modern imaging methodologies, including their techniques and application within medicine and the pharmaceutical industry, along with the chemistry behind imaging agents and biomarkers.
MRes Catalysis: Chemistry and Engineering
Since the landmark achievements of Nobel laureate, Sir Geoffrey Wilkinson in catalysis, Imperial College has been known internationally as a centre for catalysis research. Companies such as BP, INEOS, Sasol, Johnson Matthey, Pfizer, AstraZeneca all have research and development facilities in the UK. Researchers from many of these companies will deliver taught elements of this course, and therefore the students will have the opportunity to learn from and network with future employers first hand.
MRes Chemical Biology and Bio-Entrepreneurship
Chemical Biology is an emerging discipline that sits at the interface of traditional chemistry and biology, drawing on the tools and ideas of modern Physical Sciences and applying them to the solution of biological problems at the molecular level.This is a discipline that is perfectly poised to address the next great challenge in biological science – to understand how gene products are used in and interact with the cellular environment
Masters (MSc or MRes) in Computational Methods in Ecology and Evolution (CMEE)
The course is focused on current topics in modern computational and quantitative biology such as the interactions between ecological and evolutionary dynamics, the effects of climate change on biological systems, and complex ecological and evolutionary networks.
MRes Drug Discovery and Development
This course will develops expertise in multidisciplinary drug discovery research, and provides a deep understanding of the current global state of drug discovery.
MSc Ecological Applications
This full-time, one-year course provides broad training in the applications of ecological and evolutionary theory and skills to real world problems. The course is designed and taught in partnership with leading organisations in the field of ecological applications and conservation, including the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, CABI, Surrey Wildlife Trust, Thomson Ecology, the Zoological Society of London, and the British Trust for Ornithology.
Masters in Ecology, Evolution and Conservation
The EEC Masters program provides a broad research training in ecology, evolution and conservation. It is taught by active researchers throughout the department, and these internationally recognised experts use their own research as model systems to illustrate the fundamental scientific principles that underpin the study topics.
MRes Ecosystem and Environmental Change
The course provides students with a cutting-edge interdisciplinary programme, providing high-level research training in the latest developments in the conservation of ecosystems and the environment, covering the physical, life and social sciences, as well as an understanding of how to ensure that research has real-world impact. This will best prepare students for a career in Ecosystems and the Environment research and possible PhD studies.
MRes Green Chemistry: Energy and the Environment
This is a one-year course designed to introduce postgraduate students to all aspects of sustainable chemical practices, with nine months dedicated to a research project in a green chemistry area. Both the taught and research components will be multi-disciplinary in nature with input from several world class departments from Imperial (including Chemical Engineering and the Centre for Environmental Policy).
MRes Molecular and Cellular Biosciences
This is a full-time one-year research-based course that provides a highly specialised biochemical education and practical training. It will give you the fundamental skills to enable you to enter a research career in modern biochemical research in industry or academia.
MRes Molecular Plant and Microbial Sciences
The course enables students to join active research groups focusing on plant genetic engineering, plant development, plant molecular biology, molecular markers, membrane biophysics, proteomics, plant biochemistry, plant-microbe interactions, transcriptomics and bioinformatics.
MRes Molecular Sciences and Engineering
This one-year full-time course provides students with a systematic understanding of Molecular Science and Engineering and a critical awareness of the current challenges and research in this emerging area.Students are provided with advanced integration skills, as well as an understanding of multiple scales, from molecular interactions to whole manufacturing systems.
MRes Nanomaterials
This one year (full-time) stand-alone multidisciplinary MRes course will develop students'expertise in multidisciplinary Nanomaterials research and provide a deep understanding of Nanomaterials together with radical insights into future directions from leaders in the field.
MSc Optics and Photonics
The current MSc in Optics and Photonics draws on Imperial's experience as one of the largest centres for optics-based research and application in the UK. The programme includes substantial laboratory and project work, often based within industry. There is also a chance to undertake a self-study project in an area of your choice. You finish with a four-month, full-time project, which may be in industry, an academic research group, or abroad.
MRes Photonics
The Department of Physics has a long and successful research record in imaging and photonics. This 12-month MRes, built on our renowned MSc in Optics and Photonics, usually forms the first year of the four-year MRes+PhD research training programme in the Photonics group.
MRes in Biological and Physical Chemistry
The food, fibre and fuel requirements of our ever-increasing population are some of the major challenges facing society and there is a clear need for innovation and technology to increase crop productivity in a sustainable way. Key targets include increasing photosynthetic efficiency, reducing losses caused by pests & diseases, enhancing food safety and quality, minimising waste and improving the processing of biomass materials for fuels and other plant derived chemicals.
MRes Structural Molecular Biology
The course provides in-depth training of all major structural molecular biology techniques including its applications in drug discovery. It is an ideal training course for students to pursue further education and gain vital experience for a successful career.
MRes Systems and Synthetic Biology
This course provides graduate students from the life sciences, engineering and physical sciences with a platform to overcome traditional barriers and collaboratively work on the ‘big problems’ and applications in synthetic and systems biology.
MSc Taxonomy, Biodiversity and evolution
The MSc is taught jointly by researchers from Imperial and NHM. At Imperial, lecturers come from the Ecology and Evolution section at Silwood Park. They mainly contribute to teaching of quantitative skills for ecology, biodiversity and genomics. At NHM, two large research departments in Life Sciences and Earth Sciences contribute to teaching in taxonomy, biodiversity, collection science, and palaeobiology.
MRes Tropical Forest Ecology
The objective of this MRes is to provide a cutting-edge interdisciplinary programme that attracts and trains to a high level the best students from around the world, who are interested to pursue a research career in tropical forest ecology.