Data Science at


Ben Chamberlainlogo

Abstract is one of London’s great technology success stories. Starting in 2000 as an online store where people could buy items from the set of Friends, it has grown into the world’s largest fashion destination for 20 somethings. ASOS now serves over 13m customers from the global headquarters in Camden.

As a completely online retailer, data science is core to the success of ASOS. Our scientists work on product recommendations, visual search, chat bots, customer profiling and more. This talk will explain how we use machine learning at ASOS to detect and manage some of our most unusual customers. We will explain how we used big data and machine learning techniques to discover clothing counterfeiters in New York, a fake ASOS store in Zhuzhou and the abuse of our discount codes in Bagdad.

Speaker Bio

Ben Chamberlain is a Senior data scientist at He is fortunate to have an Industrial Fellowship with the Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851, which allows him to combine working for ASOS with a PhD at the Imperial Department of Computing. He has previously worked as a data scientist in the social media and security industries and as a derivatives trader. Ben originally studied physics at Oxford University.

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