Cloud Foundry: the multi-cloud PaaS



George Lestaris


Cloud foundry is an open source Platform as a Service (PaaS) that facilitates deployment and scaling of web applications. It aims to provide a great user experience while ensuring that deployed applications follow best practices. Additionally, It provides a full set of features that enable monitoring and debugging of production systems. George, a software engineer from Pivotal, will introduce Cloud Foundry and explain the problems it solves and the main use cases it enables.

Cloud Foundry is powering several enterprise-grade products, namely: Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF), IBM Bluemix, SAP Hana, etc. A large-scale open source project used across many different companies would not work without efficient collaboration between the contributors. George will share his experiences from Garden, the container runtime team, which consists of engineers from Pivotal, IBM, SAP, and Swisscom. He will describe what working on an open source team looks like, and how it feels.

Speaker Bio

George Lestaris is a software engineer working at Pivotal in the Garden team, the container runtime of Cloud Foundry (CF). Before Pivotal, he spent time with high throughput computing on the LHC computing grid and cloud computing research in CERN.

He has given talks before in CHEP 2013 regarding virtual clusters and their use in high-energy physics, in PyCon UK 2015 on interactive cloud experimentation and in the CF summit Santa Clara 2016 on containers in CF.

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