What in the world is DevOps?



Denise Yu & Giuseppe Capizzi



The term “DevOps” has become a buzzword in recent years, but what does it actually mean? This talk will cover a brief history of the DevOps movement and the ways in which Pivotal applies core DevOps values to transform how the world builds software. By the end of this talk, you’ll have a better idea of the day-to-day experience of a Pivotal engineer.

Speaker Bios

Denise Yu
Denise is a Software Engineer at Pivotal Cloud Foundry, currently contributing full-time to open-source Cloud Foundry on the Services API team. Previously, she has worked on financial publishing web applications and at an educational technology start-up. Before career-switching into software development, she studied policy and economics. She is involved with various community initiatives including codebar.io and the London Software Craftsmanship Community.
Giuseppe Capizzi
Giuseppe is a Senior Software Engineer at Pivotal Cloud Foundry, currently working on the BOSH Backup and Restore team, an open-sourced backup and restore solution for the Cloud Foundry ecosystem. He previously worked on a variety of enterprise software projects as a consultant for Pivotal Labs. Prior to joining Pivotal, he helped to deliver software more effectively using agile best practices and lean programming principles.

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