Nic Prettejohn


Nic studied Computing at Imperial. During his degree he was an Intern at Palantir on the Philanthropy team in 2015. He joined as a full time Forward Deployed Software Engineer. Throughout his Palantir journey he has worn multiple hats from user engagement, to tech lead, to outreach and now to product development.


Today’s critical institutions don’t just protect public safety or provide vital goods and services—they also deal with astonishing amounts of data. At Palantir, we build software that lets organizations integrate and analyze their data to solve problems they couldn’t before. For example, we’re helping our customers combat terrorism at home and abroad, investigate and prosecute financial fraud rings, offer more credit to retail banking customers, manufacture products faster and more safely, and fight violent crime in the world’s great cities.

Join Nic for a sneak peak of what it’s like to work at Palantir and to see first-hand a partnership demo with one of our biggest clients.