Our experience with building an original game app company


Dr Shohreh Blank

Having a creative original idea is one thing, but turning it into a game app company needs much more to overcome the challenges ahead. In this talk, I will draw from my experience in setting up The Mathematical Games Company (TMGCL) and developing the new maths puzzle cZeus Maths Challenger, and talk about the diverse set of skills (technical, vision and leadership) and the innovative drive you need to turn an idea into reality. Building, leading and motivating a team of technology developers, designers, artists, legal professionals and developing relationships with key industry professionals and academia are key to the successful progression of a start-up company.

Shohreh holds a PhD. in Applied Mathematics from Essex University. She has over 20 years of experience in the investment industry; started at a US asset management company Capital Group of Companies in London, as a quantitative analyst. Shohreh has further experience in private equity placement in a variety of sectors, and has assisted a number of private equity placement boutiques as an independent consultant through ORCA Capital Ltd. In more recent years, Shohreh was one of the four founding partners of IC Funds LLP, that launched its first fund “Global Connection Funds Plc.” - Junior Resources Fund listed in Dublin.  Shohreh left the partnership to concentrate on launching cZeus Maths Challenger game app.