Bootstrapping a Blockchain Startup - Stofl

Stofl was founded to bridge the gaps in society by fostering mutually beneficial partnerships and leveraging blockchain technology to fundamentally change the way in which we work together. Understanding that blockchain technology is now extending its reach to the physical world, we embarked on bootstrapping the business through mining incentives of various blockchain ecosystems that are solving real world problems. Turning over £150,000 in our first year through this model, our story aims to inspire those with great ideas to pursue a similar path with blockchain ecosystems that might well already exist to be able to implement those ideas. 

Flemming Mouridsen
Founder & Executive Director of Stofl

No sign up needed
Tuesday 8th Feb 2022 | 1pm | Online:  https://imperial-ac-uk.zoom.us/j/92120730062?pwd=Vk5OTFJ2ZU1HZkdKZzFrMlF0ZkM1dz09

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