Terms of reference
The Industrial Advisory Board (IAB) acts in a non-executive capacity to advise the Department of Computing at Imperial College London on strategic issues and concerns relating to its interface with industry.
The board convenes once a year and includes several senior industrialists from a range of industry sectors (in line with the Department's student careerdestination profile). Members are appointed for an initial three year term. Members will be drawn from senior technical management and should have anempathy with the goals of an engineering education. The board further includes:
- representative(s) from relevant professional bodies (e.g. IET, BCS)
- representative(s) from College industry-related professional support services(e.g. the Research Development Unit, Imperial Innovations)
- representative(s) from Academic Committee
- representative(s) from Research Committee
Find out more about the Board membership.
Terms of reference
- To advise the Department on the industrial relevance and suitability of its taught undergraduate and postgraduate curriculi, including suggestions for new or modified courses and degree programs
- To identify any recent or longer-term developments or concerns of industry which are likely to have a significant impact on the Department's activities
- To advise on and review the People Strategy of the Department
- To review the Department's research strategy with respect to its industrial relevance and suitability, and to support current or planned research projects with practical help such as letters of support or internships
- To identify opportunities for commercialisation of research
- To explore other ways in which the Department can catalyse, encourage and foster a higher level of industry involvement in its degree and research programmes
- To identify and advise on major strategic initiatives, such as the establishment of research centres, fund-raising initiatives etc.