
Live Masterclass 
Engage with Imperial academics live online

Course details

  • Duration: 7.5 hours, spread over 5 days
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Business models explain how a business succeeds to create, deliver and capture value. They are about designing the organisation to enact an opportunity. While there are numerous entrepreneurial opportunities, the challenge is to create viable businesses through designing appropriate value propositions, profit formulas, resources, and processes.

This masterclass allows participants to systematically understand, design & differentiate new business models and facilitate innovative ideas for novel products and services.

Delivered via Microsoft Teams over two days with 1.5 hours live class per day to include interactive exercises,  quizzes, videos, group discussion and guest speakers.

Upon completion of this masterclass, participants will receive a digital certificate from Imperial College London.

More information

Topics covered include:

            Introduction to business models
            Innovating and commercialising business models
            Entrepreneurial finance
            How to write a business plan
            How to communicate your ideas
            Build and maintain networks (networking)
            Presentation to jury: business model & financials
            How to communicate your ideas
            Build and maintain networks (networking)
            Presentation to jury: business model & financials

On completion of this module, participants will be able to:

  •   Differentiate between product & business model innovation
  •   Analyse and evaluate your organisations using a SWOT analysis
  •   Understand principles of marketing, competitive advantage for new business models
  •   Basics of entrepreneurial finance and introduction to financial forecasting template
  •   Build & maintain effective networks for commercial benefits (networking)
  •   Pitching your idea and making sales

This masterclass module is designed for all students and professionals interested in learning about innovation, entrepreneurial thinking, developing business ideas, working in SMEs, exploring new ventures within big companies and commercialising research. 
