Congratulations to Dr. Li!
24 January 2022
Many congratulations to our former PhD student, Dr. Zewei Li, who has now had his award of PhD formally confirmed by the University of Cambridge. Zewei was examined by Prof. Dr. Thomas Bein (Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich) and Prof. Caterina Ducati (University of Cambridge), and passed his defence with flying colours last year. See some of Zewei's papers from his PhD following this link, and this link.
Group receives ERC Starting Grant!
10 January 2022
We are delighted to announce that the group has received a Starting Grant from the European Research Council (ERC)! This grant will allow us to push forward the development of sustainable materials for indoor light harvesting to power the Internet of Things. Read about the news release following this link, and follow this link to read the news release on our work with the underpinning proof-of-concept results. Postdoc and PhD openings coming soon.
Welcome to Dan!
4 January 2022
A warm welcome to Dr. Dan Price, who is joining us to work on our President's Excellence Fund project on nanopackaging to improve RNA-based vaccine stability. Dr. Price is working with us and the group of Dr. Peter Petrov. Find out more about Dr. Price from the Teams page.
Excellence Fund project featured in news
8 December 2021
Our project, awarded through the Imperial President's Excellence Fund scheme, is featured on the College news website. Read the article following this link. This project is a collaboration between us, Dr. Peter Petrov (Materials), Dr. Rongjun Chen (Chemical Engineering) and Prof. Jerry Heng (Chemical Engineering). We aim to develop nanoporous storage packaging to enable RNA-based vaccines to be stable under near-ambient conditions, thus improving their global reach.
Robert receives Rosenhain Medal from IOM3!
7 December 2021
At the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM3) awards ceremony, Robert receives the Rosenhain Medal and Prize for his work on developing defect-tolerant semiconductors for energy applications. This Medal is given in recognition of distinguished achievement in any branch of Materials Science.
Presence at Fall MRS
7 December 2021
Several group members presented at the Fall Materials Research Society (MRS) Meeting & Exhibit. Jason went to Boston to present his work in person on perovskite nanoplatelets and surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy. Robert delivered two invited talks virtually on AP-CVD growth of oxide semiconductors on thermally-sensitive absorbers for photovoltaics. Disha also presented her work from her summer internship on nuclear energy storage.
Group Christmas gathering
3 December 2021
We had a fun time gathering all together before the Christmas break to share our research activities and goals for the next year
Welcome to Kavya
19 November 2021
Warm welcome to Kavya Dudipala, who is joining our group for a PhD working on ABZ2 materials for photovoltaics.
Zewei passes PhD viva
18 November 2021
Many congratulations to Zewei Li, who passed his PhD viva with minor corrections. His examiners were Prof. Dr. Thomas Bein (Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich) and Prof. Caterina Ducati (University of Cambridge).
In memoriam: Christina Kong
11 November 2021
We are saddened by the passing of Christina from a road accident last month. Christina was a vivacious student who had a strong community spirit. She had a passion for sustainability, and recently spoke about her work and her development as a doctoral researcher in a recent video that featured during COP26 week, which can be viewed following this link. Her tenacity, diligence and intelligence were exactly what was needed in science. But beyond her academic skills, she was a compassionate person who built a large network of friends amoung her colleagues in both Materials and Chemistry, and she helped to bring our group together as a team during the pandemic. Her tragic passing has deeply affected us as well as many other people across College, and we will all treasure our memories of her.
Sachin elected to Academy
6 November 2021
Congratulations to our postdoc, Dr. Sachin Rondiya, who has been nominated as as a Young Associate of the Maharashtra Academy of Sciences in India!
Group's work featured in podcast
3 November 2021
Our work on bismuth-based semiconductors for photovoltaics has been featured in a podcast by the Department of Materials at Imperial as part of the "This is Engineering" day. Listen to our podcast below:
Yi-Teng award prize at E-MRS!
23 September 2021
Congratulations to our PhD student, Yi-Teng Huang, who was awarded a prize for best contributed talk on novel solar absorber materials at the European MRS conference.
Congratulations to Dr. Yi!
18 September 2021
Many congratulations to our alumnus Dr. Ziyue (Phoenix) Yi who has completed his PhD and now graduated. Ziyue worked on metal-halide perovskite thin films for light-emitting diodes, focussing on understanding degradation mechanisms and achieving stable blue emission.
Zewei's paper published
4 September 2021
Congratulations to final-year PhD student Zewei Li, whose joint first-author paper has been published today in Advanced Functional Materials. This work unravels the role that grain boundaries in Cs2AgBiBr6 play on non-radiative recombination and ion migration, and also includes the first report of thin film transistors from this material. Read the paper following this link.
Group get-together in London
3 September 2021
The team from both Imperial and Cambridge gathered together in London, which included a tour of the group's new facilities in the Royce@Imperial, located in the White City campus
20th anniversary of the Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellowship
12 August 2021
Robert speaks about his experience with the Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellowship in the video released on the 20th anniversary of the scheme.
We have a new doctor in the house!
23 July 2021
Many congratulations to Dr. Rob Jagt, who is graduating from his PhD today. Rob worked on developing next-generation photovoltaic technologies, including perovskite-silicon tandems and bismuth oxyiodide for photovoltaics and beyond.
Group awarded grant from President's Excellence Fund
20 July 2021
Our project on developing nano-packaging to enable vaccines to be stable under ambient conditions has been funded by the Imperial President's Excellence Fund for Frontier Research. This will form a collaboration between us, Peter Petrov (Materials), Rongjun Chen (Chemical Engineering) and Jerry Heng (Chemical Engineering). This project can enable vaccines to be distributed without cold-chains, thus significantly reducing costs and allowing vaccines to have greater reach worldwide.
Zewei presents work at CAM-IES meeting
8 July 2021
Zewei, a PhD student in the group, presents his work on carrier and ion transport in Cs2AgBiBr6 double perovskites at the Centre for Advanced Materials for Integrated Energy Systems (CAM-IES), held at Robinson College in Cambridge. Find out more about Zewei in our Team page.
Welcome to Sachin!
1 July 2021
Warm welcome to Dr. Sachin Rondiya, who has just joined our group to work our new EPSRC project on ABZ2 materials for photovoltaics. Find our more about Sachin in our Team page.
Comprehensive review on perovskite nanocrystals published
17 June 2021
Jason and Robert contributed to a comprehensive review on the state of the art in halide perovskite nanocrystal research. This involved 70 authors and spans over 200 journal pages, covering synthesis through to properties and applications. What a gargantuan effort! Read the paper following this link.
Robert receives Imperial President's Award in Research!
15 June 2021
Robert has been awarded one of the Imperial President's Awards for Outstanding Early Career Researcher! Read the Imperial news release following this link.
Robert awarded Rosenhain Medal and Prize!
4 June 2021
Robert has been awarded the Rosenhain Medal and Prize from the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM3)! This award recognises distinguished achievement in any branch of Materials Science, and previous awardees include Prof. Mary Ryan, Prof. Sir Colin Humphreys and Prof. Michael Ashby. Follow this link to read the Imperial news release, and the full list of winners of IOM3 awards.
Robert gives invited talk at Spring E-MRS
3 June 2021
Robert delivers an invited talk on double perovskites in Symposium E (exotic solar absorber materials) at the European Materials Research Society conference, held virtually (normally held in Strasbourg, France).
Robert gives talk in JUMP2Excel workshop, hosted virtually by Manchester
1 June 2021
Robert gives an invited seminar in a workshop on photovoltaic materials systems held virtually by the Joint Universal activities for Mediterranean PV integration Excellence (JUMP2Excel) and hosted by the University of Manchester.
Group get-together
31 May 2021
We took advantage of the sunshine to get together outside

Blog on our work published on the Department page
27 May 2021
Piece on our work and thoughts on perovskites and their derivatives published on the Departmental blog page. This can be accessed following this link.
Symposium at the 2022 Spring MRS Conference in Hawaii approved!
18 May 2021
We are co-organising a symposium on low dimensional semiconductors for electronics at the 2022 Spring Materials Research Society (MRS) Meeting & Exhibit, which will be taking place in Honolulu, Hawaii. This symposium, EQ08, is part of the joint initiative between the Korean MRS and MRS, and involves co-organisers from KAIST, Samsung and NREL. Find out more about the symposia at the 2022 Spring MRS following this link.
Future Energy piece published in Joule
20 April 2021
Robert and colleagues from GeorgiaTech and Cambridge wrote an invited article in Joule discussing the pressing challenges that need to be overcome to bring halide perovskite photovoltaics to market. These discussion drew off the discussions from the community at Symposium CT02-EL08 at the 2020 Virtual MRS he co-organised with colleagues. Read the Future Energy piece following this link.
Robert gives invited talk at 2021 Virtual Spring MRS
19 April 2021
Robert presents group's work on bismuth oxyiodide photovoltaics and indoor PV in Symposium EN07 on thin film semiconductors.
Group awarded seed grant from MIT-Imperial seed fund
12 April 2021
We have been awarded a project to work with Prof. Rafael Jaramillo at MIT on novel materials for gas sensing of pollutants. Seven teams working between MIT and Imperial were funded through this scheme. Read about it following this link.
Jason's work published in Angewandte Chemie!
17 March 2021
Congratulations to Jason Ye, who first-authored a review paper on defect passivation in halide perovskite thin films and nanocrystals in Angewandte Chemie. This was a collaboration with Dr. Lakshmi Polavarapu and Prof. Michael Saliba. Read the review following this link.
Group's work featured on World Sustainability Day
4 March 2021
The group's work is featured on World Sustainability Day by the Department of Materials. Read the article following this link.
Seminar at the London Centre for Nanotechnology
25 January 2021
Robert gives an invited talk at the LCN lunchtime seminar series on bismuth-based photovoltaics, including the group's recent work on tuning the band gap of bismuth-based double perovskites and bismuth-based indoor photovoltaics. Watch the talk following this link.
Talk at the Materials Society seminar series
20 January 2021
Robert gives an invited talk at the Materials Society seminar series on the group's latest reseach into indoor photovoltaics
Our work on the cover of Advanced Energy Materials
7 January 2021
The work we co-led on perovskite-inspired materials for indoor photovoltaics is featured on the back cover of the January issue of Advanced Energy Materials. Read the original paper following this link.
Welcome Yuchen!
4 January 2021
Welcome to Yuchen Fu, who joins the group as a PhD student.
Robert co-chairs three keynote sessions at the 2020 Virtual Spring/Fall MRS
4 December 2020
Despite the pandemic, science moves forward. The Materials Research Society (MRS) conference is usually held in Boston and brings together materials scientists from across the world. This year, the Fall MRS was merged with the Spring MRS and held online for the first time. Robert co-organised the joint CT02-EL08 symposium on metal-halide perovskites and lead-free alternative absorbers for photovoltaics. He co-chaired three live keynote sessions. Follow these links to watch back the recordings of the sessions on upscaling, Pb-free absorbers and tandem devices (registration required). Many thanks to the speakers and other co-chairs (Sam Stranks, Hema Karunadasa and Kaining Ding) who made this possible. Congratlations to the awardees of the CT02-EL08 contributed talk and poster prizes, supported by Oxford PV, ACS Energy Letters, Joule and Matter.
Robert co-chairs live poster session at 2020 Virtual Spring/Fall MRS
3 December 2020
Along with Libai Huang, Robert co-chaired one of the live poster session at the 2020 virtual MRS. The poster presenters had the chance to give a short presentation on their work, followed by a discussion with the other presenters and attendees.
Fall E-MRS symposium approved!
27 November 2020
Robert, along with a team from London, Korea and the US, will be organising a symposium on Earth-abundant next-generation materials for solar energy. This be held in Warsaw, Poland, in September 2021 and there will be an exciting line up of speakers.
Robert gives talk at Warwick Chemistry
26 November 2020
Robert gives a talk on lead-free perovskite-inspired materials, how to tune their band gap, and their applications in indoor photovoltaics as part of the RSC Lecture Series in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Warwick.
Robert receives WIN Rising Star Award and gives Keynote Talk
24 November 2020
Robert delivers a keynote talk at the Waterloo Institute for Nanotechnology (WIN) Research Leaders Celebration in receipt of the WIN Rising Star Award. Follow the link to view the video.
Robert elected a Fellow of the IOM3, a Chartered Engineer and a Chartered Scientist
23 November 2020
Robert has been elected a Fellow of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM3), a Chartered Engineer and a Chartered Scientist all at once!
Group awarded grant from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
21 November 2020
The group has received a research grant from the UKRI Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, as part of the New Investigator Award scheme. This project will focus on the development of ABZ2 materials for photovoltaics, with particular focus on defect tolerance.
Press release on group's work on indoor photovoltaics
13 November 2020
Our collaborative work on perovskite-inspired materials for indoor photovoltaics is featured by Imperial, PV Magazine, Materials World and other news outlets. Check out the video on the work from CBS, following this link. Read the original paper here.
Robert gives talk to Energy Futures Lab
22 October 2020
Robert gives a talk on bismuth-based semiconductors for outdoor and indoor light harvesting in the energy seminar series hosted by Imperial's Energy Futures Lab. Watch the seminar here. Read the blog on this seminar following this link.
Two PhD students join us at Imperial
1 October 2020
Warm welcome to Christina Kong and Ivy Liu, who are joining us as PhD students. Find out more about them from the Teams page.
Paper highighted by Nature Physics
1 October 2020
Our upcoming review article on perovskite-inspired materials is highlighted by Nature Physics. Read the thesis in Nature Physics here. Follow this link to read the preprint of the review paper on arXiv.
Group awarded Royal Society Research Grant
1 October 2020
The group has received a Research Grant from the Royal Society to set up a wafer-scale atmospheric pressure chemical vapour deposition (AP-CVD) reactor to rapidly manufacture high-quality oxide buffer layers and transparent electrodes. Read more about our work on AP-CVD here.
Roadmap for PV Research
1 October 2020
The Materials for the Energy Transition Roadmaps are released. These were commissioned by the UK Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, and administered by the Sir Henry Royce Institute. Robert was an advisor for the photovoltaics roadmap, which involved 14 academic institutions/national labs and 10 companies working in the photovoltaics sector in the UK. Read the Imperial news release here.
WIN Rising Star
18 September 2020
Robert receives a Waterloo Institute for Nanotechnology (WIN) Rising Star Award for excellence at an international level in nanotechnology research. Read more
RSC Emerging Investigator
6 August 2020
Robert is included in the 2020 Emerging Investigators issue of the Royal Society of Chemistry's Journal of Materials Chemistry C. Follow this link to read the profile, and this link to read his contributing paper.
Group's work featured in the press
9 July 2020
Our work on developing p-type oxide buffer layers for semi-transparent perovskite solar cells is featured by Imperial, PV magazine and other news outlets.
Materials for the Energy Transition webinar
15 June 2020
We are part of the series of roadmaps on the future of renewable energy research in the UK to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. These roadmaps are summarised and presented at a webinar co-organised by the Insitute of Physics and the Sir Henry Royce Institute. Robert delivers the summary of the photovoltaics roadmap. View the webinar here.
Online seminar at University of Twente
10 June 2020
Robert gives an invited seminar on the processing of next-generation top-cells for tandem photovoltaics at the IMS Colloquium at the University of Twente. Many thanks to Prof. Monica Morales-Masis (leader of the M3 Optoelectronic Materials group) for the invitation.
Robert joins Editorial board of IOP Nanotechnology
21 May 2020
Robert is invited to join the Editorial board of Nanotechnology, which is published by the Institute of Physics. He is looking forward to adding to the energy dimension of the journal.
Online seminar at TCU
28 April 2020
Robert delivers a seminar on the development of metal-halide perovskites for optoelectronics to a class at Texas Christian University. Thanks to Prof. Jeff Coffer for the kind invite.
Virtual perovskites@Imperial symposium
26 March 2020
Robert and Dr. Jarvist Frost co-organise a virtual symposium bringing together the community at Imperial working on metal-halide perovskites. This is part of the Centre for Processable Electronics.
Seminar at York
28 February 2020
Robert visits York for the day to deliver a seminar in the Department of Physics at the University of York on bismuth oxyiodide solar absorbers. Many thanks to Dr. Christina Wang - also an RAEng Research Fellow - for the invite!
Robert takes up his new faculty position at Imperial
2 January 2020
The group now officially starts a new chapter in the Department of Materials at Imperial!
Invited talk at the Fall MRS
5 December 2019
Robert gives an invited talk on the group's work on AP-CVD growth of oxide buffer layers on perovskite solar cells in snowy Boston. Many thanks to former colleagues and mentors Prof. Kevin Musselman and Dr. David Muñoz-Rojas for the invite!
Robert awarded Sir Henry Royce Medal
24 October 2019
Robert was awarded the medal by the Institution of Engineering and Technology for the demonstration of excellence at an early career stage. The awarded is sponsored by the Sir Henry Royce Memorial Foundation.
Three PhD students join
1 October 2019
Welcome to Yiru, Jason and Yi-Teng who have joined the group to start their PhDs! Find our more about them in the team page.
Tahmida awarded a scholarship!
16 September 2019
Many congratulations to Tahmida Huq for being awarded a scholarship from the Aziz foundation! This substantial award will help to support her research into bismuth-based solar cells. Find out more about Tahmida on the team page.
Lana successfully defends her PhD thesis!
9 August 2019
Many congratulations to Dr. Lana Lee for successfully defending her doctoral thesis! We wish her all the best for her new career at Johnson Matthey working on battery materials.
Tahmida wins Margaret B Day Prize!
6 August 2019
Congratulations to Tahmida for winning the Margaret B Day Prize from the British Federation of Women Graduates for her work on next generation layered solar absorbers.
More news
Welcome to Yanhao and Mengyao!
15 July 2019
Mengyao and Yanhao will be working with us for two months over the summer. Find out more about them on our team page.
Bright Ideas in London
21 June 2019
Robert was invited as a guest judge for the UK finals of The Bright Ideas Challenge 2019, sponsored by Shell.
Two invited talks at LMU-Munich
19 June 2019Robert delivered a SolTech seminar at the Nano-Institute Munich (Physics; Chair for Photonics and Optoelectronics), as well as in Prof. Dr. Thomas Bein's group (Chemistry). Thanks very much to Dr. Lakshmi Polavarapu and Dr. Andreas Jakowetz for organising!
Robert gives invited talk at the Spring E-MRS
27 May 2019
Robert delivered an invited talk in Symposium O at the Spring European MRS conference on the group's work on the growth of AP-CVD oxides over perovskite photovoltaics for improved performance.
Robert included in the IOM3 '15 under 30'
18 May 2019Robert is included in the '15 under 30' by the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM3), as part of their 150th anniversary special issue of the Materials World magazine.
Paper on blue perovskite LEDs published in ACS Energy Letters!
17 April 2019Our work on identifying the limiting factors in blue perovskite nanoplatelet LEDs and how these could be overcome is now published online. An excellent collaboration between Cambridge and LMU-Munich. Read more here.
Welcome to Katharina!
15 April 2019Katharina is visting us from Konstanz (Germany) and will be working on BiOI solar absorbers. More on the teams page.
Ice cream and chocolate at the Cambridge Science Festival
16 & 23 March 2019
Robert delivered a talk on the Science of Ice Cream to a sold out crowd at the Cambridge Science Festival. He worked with Dr. Enrique Galindo-Nava and his team of Materials Scientists to demonstrate the use of liquid nitrogen to make ice cream, with a special tasting for all afterwards. Special thanks to Trinity College for sponsoring the event!
Robert also demonstrated how chocolate can be used for 3D printing. A packed Saturday crowd had a lot of fun making and using the 3D printers!
Group awarded grant from the Isaac Newton Trust!
20 March 2019
A grant has been awarded by the Isaac Newton Trust for facilities access.
Robert named in the Forbes 30 under 30
12 February 2019
Robert is included in the European Forbes 30 under 30 list in the Science & Healthcare category, in recognition of the potential impact of his work on the electronics industry.
Our work on display in the Museum
5 February 2019
Our BiOI solar cells on display in the Deutsches Hygiene-Museum (Dresden) as part of the Museum's exhibition "Shine on Me. The Sun and Us".
Robert elected a member of IOM3
4 February 2019Robert has been elected a Professional Member of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining.
Welcome to Laura Spies!
21 January 2019Laura is visiting our group for 3 months from LMU-Munich.
Robert delivers seminar at Imperial
21 January 2019Robert gives a talk on the discovery of bismuth-based perovskite-inspired materials as part of the London Centre for Nanotechnology seminar series.
Group awarded grant from CAM-IES!
17 December 2018A grant has been awarded by the CAM-IES to access the ambient processing cluster tool in the Cambridge spoke of the Sir Henry Royce Institute
Symposium at the Materials Research Meeting in Japan approved
7 December 2018Robert is co-organising a symposium on functional oxides at the Materials Research Meeting, which will be a joint effort between the European and Japanese Materials Research Societies. Find out more here.
Robert gives invited talk at the annual CDT-PV showcase
8 November 2018
Robert gives a talk on the discovery of bismuth-based photovoltaic materials at the annual showcase of the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in New and Sustainable Photovoltaics, held at Anfield, Liverpool.
Robert gives talk at opening of Cambridge Royce
17 October 2018Robert delivers a talk on the possibilities enabled by the new facilities part of the Cambridge spoke of the Sir Henry Royce Institute at its official opening.
STEM Materials Engineering resource launched
16 October 2018Robert worked with the Education team in the Royal Academy of Engineering to develop a resource box on materials for sustainability. This will be distributed to the Academy's network of schools across the UK to help inspire kids to pursue a career in Engineering, especially Materials Engineering. Find out more about the resource here.
Kaiwen joins!
1 October 2018Kaiwen is a PhD student with the CDT in Graphene Technology. He is co-supervised with Dr. Laura Torrente (Chemical Engineering) and Dr. Sam Stranks (Physics). Find out more about him on the team page.
Robert gives an invited talk at the IUMRS-ICEM2018 in Daejeon, Korea
20 August 2018Robert delivers a talk at the IUMRS conference on his work on discovering perovskite-inspired materials. Special thanks to Prof. Byungha Shin at KAIST for hosting!
Robert gives an invited talk at Fudan University
9 August 2018Robert was invited by Prof. Yiqiang Zhan, Director of the Micro-Nano Systems Center, to give a talk on his work on tandem solar cells and perovksite-inspired photovoltaic mateirials at Fudan University in Shanghai, China.
Robert awarded Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellowship
4 July 2018Robert has been awarded a Research Fellowship from the Royal Academy of Engineering, which will start on November 1st and enable him to set up an independent group in the Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy.
Robert awarded Young Engineer of the Year Prize
27 June 2018Robert has been awarded the Young Engineer of the Year prize by the Royal Academy of Engineering and the Worshipful Company of Engineers