The purpose of the Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Advisory Group (EDI AG) is to maintain space at a senior level for in-depth consideration of significant EDI issues. It invites experts, debates salient issues, and develops strategic and policy proposals in relation to equality, diversity and inclusivity matters that impact staff and students. These proposals, developed in consultation with other UMB stakeholders and committees, will be put forward to the People and Culture Committee (PCC), which has responsibility for approving specific actions on behalf of the University Management Board (UMB).
The EDI AG also provides an overview of significant EDI initiatives, playing a high-level monitoring and escalation role. It helps to develop a coherent overview of the EDI landscape, within and beyond the university. It helps to ensure oversight in the round of the interconnected initiatives and awareness of opportunities to better integrate Imperial’s approach to EDI.
The Advisory Group is supported by various sub-committees which report into it, including the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Forum, the Disability Action Committee, the Athena Swan and Race Equality Charter Self-Assessment Teams, the Stonewall Action Committee, and other working groups that may be established for specific issues.
EDIAG tab content
- Associate Provost (EDI) – Chair
- Deputy Director - Organisational Development and Inclusion
- Head of EDIC (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Centre)
- Athena Swan Coordinator
- REC (Race Equality Charter) Coordinator
- ICU (Imperial College Union) Deputy President (Welfare)
- Director of Student Services
- Deputy Director – Communications
- Representatives of research, teaching and learning
- Nominee from each Faculty (EDI lead/or senior representatives)
- Secretary – HR (Human Resources)
The Advisory Group meets termly, three times a year, with other meetings arranged as required.
Planned meetings for 2023/4:
- 14 December 2023
- 12 February 2024
- 30 May 2024
- To provide a space for in-depth consideration of all significant EDI issues, inviting experts as necessary, debating and developing proposals to be put to the PCC.
- To advise and make recommendations on the strategic direction of EDI at Imperial with the aim of being an exemplar
- To advise and make recommendations on the implementation of Imperial’s EDI Strategy (e.g., guiding the prioritisation of existing budgets and/or identifying specific issues that need targeted attention)
- To play a high-level monitoring role on active EDI-related action plans, receiving escalation reports where progress towards objectives is not as planned.