We have a step-by-step guide for using the Report and Support tool at the College.

Acts of bullying, harassment, discrimination and sexual misconduct are not acceptable. Imperial uses the Report and Support tool, which allows you to disclose unwelcome behaviours such as bullying, harassment, sexual violence, sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, racial discrimination and more.

To be as transparent as possible, we publish some summary data from the Report and Support tool.

Imperial does not and will not seek by any agreement to silence people who come forward to raise complaints of sexual harassment, abuse or misconduct, or other forms of harassment and bullying.

How to use the tool

Anyone can use the tool, including staff, students, contractors and visitors to the College. You can use the tool if you have witnessed an incident, or experienced bullying or harassment directly. You can disclose something anonymously or you can provide your details to be put in contact with someone.

We appreciate that for many reasons you may not feel comfortable providing your name. If you choose to disclose anonymously the information you provide will remain confidential and this data will be used to monitor issues across the College.

If you choose to be put in contact with someone you will need to provide your contact details. Your details and information relating to your disclosure will remain confidential and will only be passed on to relevant, specially trained members of staff. We will not disclose any personal or identifiable information to others unless we believe there is a genuine threat to an individual’s health and safety.

The difference between a disclosure and a formal report

If you disclose something using Report and Support, this does not mean you have made a formal report to the College. However, if you ask to be put in contact with someone you will have the option to discuss the best interventions, specialist support, and identify the next steps, which may include making a formal report.

Disclose an incident – this is when someone wants us to know that something has happened, but they do not want, or are not ready, for there to be a formal investigation. Disclosures can be made through the Report and Support tool, or by contacting a Harassment Support Contacts for staff, or a Student Support Adviser.

Report an incident – this is when someone makes a formal report, initiating a formal investigation into an incident following HR policy and procedure for staff, or the Student Disciplinary Procedure. Individuals who choose to formally report incidents will be offered support and guidance throughout the process.

Hate crime

When using Report and Support, please select the ‘Hate Crime’ option if the incident was motivated by hostility or prejudice towards disability, race, religion, sexual orientation, or transgender identity.

By selecting this option, you are helping us to track incidents and take action more effectively.