What can be recycled?
WARP-IT is an oline exchange system which gets the best value out of waste resources. It finds new owners for items so that we can avoid unnecessary diposals.
If you have furniture you wish to dispose of which is still in good conditionthen WARP-it is the best solution.
Prolonging the life of items reduces need for new materials and new manufacturing and therefore makes a significant contribution to reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions.
WARP-it has many benefits:
- Reduce waste disposal costs
- Reduce purchasing costs
- Increase recycling
- Reduce carbon emissions
- Easy participation
What is included?

Furniture in good condition

- Damaged furniture
Find out more about the WARPit initiative here at Imperial
Dispose of furniture
Waste hierarchy
What happens to this waste stream?
Reused 100%
Recycled 0%
Recovered 0%
Incinerated 0%
Landfilled 0%
Furniture in good condition stream
How do I arrange disposal of good furniture?
- Register for Warp-it. This is a way to find a new home for the items that you are disposing of.
- Upload details of your items to the WARP-it website and they may be claimed by someone else that works at the Colege eliminating the need to dispose of the item.
Who removes it?
- The onus is on the person claiming the furniture to make arrangements for it to be collected.
What happens then?
- The furniture has a new home and unnecessary disposal has been avoided.
How Green is this Route?
- All suitable items are put to good use.
- Your recycling prevents needless use of landfill sites or incineration.
- Reusing items makes a significant contribution to reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions.