Licences and agreements (Stage 2)
Where Imperial College London shares the site with other organizations licensing agreements or simple agreements, as applicable, should be obtain for external works on specific items of the project e.g. access and site logistic, site accommodations, access route in shared areas, planning applications. The organizations to be consulted are:
• South Kensington Campus: 1851 Commission
• Hammersmith Campus: NHS Trust
• St Mary’s Campus : NHS Trust
• Royal Marsden: Royal Brompton NHS Foundation Trust
• Charing Cross: NHS Trust
South Kensington only
The Commissioners for The Exhibition of 1851 (1851 Commission) own a large percentage of the land that the South Kensington Campus sits on thus making Imperial College London a tenant with certain obligations.
For each project that fulfils the criteria laid out in the Licence for Alteration Guidelines, Imperial is obliged to submit an application for a "Licence for Alteration" to the 1851 Commission. Only construction projects being undertaken on the commissions land that require planning permission from the City of Westminster Borough Council need submit a licence application.
Once funding has been approved, as early as is practical during Stage 2, the Project Manager submits the required project information to the Cluttons LLP, the administrative agents for the 1851 Commission.
The application pack includes:
- Forms 1 and 2 (refer to the Application Guidelines for the 1851 Commission)
- Existing and As-proposed Plan and Elevation drawings
- Planning Consents
- Fee calculation
- Any further information as necessary to enable to processing of the application.
This application pack contains information to allow the 1851 Commission to make a reasonable and informed comment and judgement on the proposed works to be undertaken prior to any works beginning on site.
Refer to:
- Forms 1 and 2 (refer to the application guidelines for the 1851 commission) (Word)
- Licence for alteration application (document under review)
- Campus plan showing Licence for alteration remit (pdf)
The Project Manager is required to liaise with Cluttons to provide the information for the Licence for Alteration. The Information Manager or Archives Officer (Projects) can provide advice on the application process and requirements.
On approval from the 1851 Commission the Licence for Alteration will be completed, countersigned by each party and a copy returned to Imperial College London. The Project Manager passes the Imperial copy to the Archives Officer (Projects) for transfer to the Imperial Archive for permanent retention.