a green and blue image showing the UN's Sustainable Development Goals wheel

Launch of the Global Development Hub

Accelerating the SDGs: The Role of Science, Technology and Innovation in Building Resilient Societies

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We are pleased to announce that Amina J. Mohammed will launch the Global Development Hub at Imperial College London on Thursday 29 April 2021 with a keynote address on the role of science and technology in building resilient societies.

Amina J. Mohammed is Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations and Chair of the United Nations Sustainable Development Group.

The Global Development Hub brings together Imperial’s STEM expertise to maximise the global impact of our world-leading research, education and innovation. The hub plans to engage with the United Nations Sustainable Agenda 2030 and to prepare for sustainability challenges that might arise 20, 30 or even 50 years into the future.

The Launch event will be introduced by Professor Maggie Dallman, Vice-President (International) and Associate Provost (Academic Partnerships) and Professor Michael Templeton, Professor of Public Health Engineering. This will be followed by remarks from Professor Alice P. Gast, President, Imperial College London.

Professor David Nabarro, the World Health Organisation’s Special Envoy on COVID-19 and Co-Director of the Institute of Global Health Innovation will lead a Q&A session with Amina J. Mohammed.

The second half of the event will include a roundtable panel discussion with international leaders from the world of science, technology, and entrepreneurship. The panel members include:

Dr Heide Hackmann (CEO, International Science Council)

Ana Avaliani (Head of Enterprise, Royal Academy of Engineering)

Zein Abdalla (Chair of MasterCard Foundation, College alumnus)

We hope you will be able to join us.

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