Poster for Black Sky Hazards event, showing photographs of Queen's tower and Professor Washington Yotto Ochieng

The EIS Council defines a black sky hazard as “a catastrophic event that severely disrupts the normal functioning of our critical infrastructure in multiple regions, for long durations”, an event that could be initiated by cyberattack, geomagnetic disturbances, or high-altitude electromagnetic pulses.

Join EIS Council and Imperial College London’s Professor Washington Yotto Ochieng for a live webinar on March 21st (2-4pm GMT) that explores how to improve societal resilience to these black sky hazards:


  • Introducing the Metagrid: Global Infrastructure Interdependencies and Black Sky Vulnerabilities – Avi Schnurr, CEO of EIS Council, will describe the challenges of Black Sky events, the threats that can cause them, and the resilience principles that, if invested in and deployed, can mitigate them.


  • Cyberspace Infrastructure Attack: IT, OT, and Supply Chain Risks and Disinformation Operations – Former U.S. Assistant Secretary of Defense Dr. Paul Stockton will lay out the current state of the advanced persistent threats in cyberspace, their real-world effects, and how we must combat them.


  • Electromagnetic Threats: National and Global Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) and Extreme Solar Storm VulnerabilitiesDr. Chris Beck, EIS Council’s Chief Scientist and V.P. for Policy, will explain the least understood of the Black Sky threats, separating the science from the science fiction.


  • The Critical Unaddressed Vulnerability in Black Sky Catastrophes: Multisector Communication – Frank Koza, EIS Council’s Electric Power Sector Coordinator, will discuss the impact of large-scale communication shutdown in Black Sky catastrophes, and emerging solutions.


  • Metagrid Restoration and Black Sky Chaos: Emerging AI Technology For Multicorporate Restoration – Dr. Anthony Bucci, the Technical Director for Infrastructure Simulation at EIS Council, describes how a “digital twin” of the real world is required to allow decision making in the complicated, interdependent and interconnected system-of-systems that is our modern technological society.


  • Corporate, Government, and Whole-Of-World Collaborative Black Sky PreperationRanger Dorn has dedicated the past five years to the development and annual execution of EARTH Ex, the largest all-sector, all-continent Black Sky resilience exercises in history.
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