Theme: Befriending emotions to deal with Procrastination
Putting off important tasks is something many of us experience. Often this is because we are unaware of the negative feelings that some tasks generate for us. In this session we will explore how positive ways to ‘befriend’ difficult feelings associated with tasks can help us move from procrastination to productivity.
Reflective Practice: How does it work?
Reflective practice is about taking time to explore an event or theme, for example, managing time, group dynamics, or motivation. There is group discussion and each person also has time to look at their own challenges and opportunities. You will be able to hear how other research students are approaching similar concerns. At the end of the session there will be time to think about simple ‘next steps and actions’ you might want to take.
Who is it for?
PhD students
who want to talk about their experience of doing research
who would like to hear about how others are handling the issues.
Led by the Multi-Faith Chaplaincy team.
Venue: Chaplaincy Multi-Faith Centre, 15 Princes Gardens, South Kensington, SW7 1NA
Some testimonials from previous attendees
“A nice way to look back at events in our day to day life and have a different perspectives to get over them.”
“It’s worthwhile to shut off from work and reflect on your experiences over time.”
“It is valuable for all PhD students to have a chance to talk things through.”
“It is a way of thinking/being integral to surviving a PhD which isn’t taught anywhere.”
“A safe space to talk about my problems with someone from outside, that’s not related to it.”
“Writing things down helped me”
“I found it useful to have time window assigned entirely for oneself to speak and be listened to.”
“It is a useful platform for discussing my situation and receiving constructive feedback and course of action from the group.”
One to one support
In addition to our group sessions of Reflective Practice, we are offering one-to-one support to Ph.D. students wanting to explore personal and work-related issues arising while doing research. These often include making the best use of time, managing priorities, working well with supervisors and in teams, coping with uncertainty, or taking time for leisure and health. We listen and offer feedback, or coaching-style questions to help you reflect on issues you are facing. The sessions are confidential and will complement other sources of college support. To arrange a one to one conversation please email