Session Chair: Dr Soranyel Gonzalez Carrero
1400 Prof James Durrant Welcome
1405 Dr Flurin Eisner
Imperial College Research Fellow, Department of Materials
Modelling, measuring and fabricating better photoelectrochemical devices
Dr Daniele Benetti
UKRI Fellow Department of Chemistry
Exploring the impact of interfaces and environmental factors on water oxidation kinetics in metal oxides
Dr Alice Meng
Research Associate, Department of Chemical Engineering
Operando IR Optical Control of Charge Carrier Dynamics in BiVO 4 Photoanodes
Yasmine Baghdadi
PhD Candidate, Department of Chemical Engineering
Enhanced Photocatalytic Reduction of CO2 using Cs3Bi2Br9/g-C3N4 Z Scheme Heterojunctions
1515 Coffee break
Session Chair: Dr Matyas Daboczi
1545 Invited: Dr Salvador Eslava
Reader in Applied Energy Materials, Department of Chemical Engineering
Engineering photoelectrochemical and photocatalytic materials for solar fuels and chemicals
1615 Dr Filip Podjaski
UKRI Fellow, Department of Chemistry
Direct photocatalytic hydrogen production with organic based microstructures
1635 Dr Lucas Garcia Verga, Research Associate Department of Materials
PyTASER: a Python library for simulating transient (TAS) and differential (DAS) absorption spectroscopies using quantum chemical calculations
1655 Dr Jesús Barrio Hermida
Imperial College Research Fellow, Department of Chemical Engineering
Single atom electrocatalysts with high electrochemical active site utilisation
1715 Guangmeimei Yang
PhD Candidate, Department of Chemistry
Benchmarking the conductivity of the supports for iridium oxide water oxidation catalyst: in plane and through plane
1730 Pizza and drinks