ZEISS Lattice Lightsheet 7

Live imaging offers some of the most important insights available for biologists. However, capturing the necessary resolution in 4 dimensions at the speed needed to answer the questions at hand, without affecting the cells physiology, makes live cell imaging particularly challenging. Driven by innovation from Nobel laureate Eric Betzig, Lattice lightsheet has arisen to address these difficulties. The ZEISS lattice Lightsheet 7 offers extremely gentle imaging and speed of acquisition up to 3 volume per second. Dramatically expanding the boundaries of what is possible in live cell imaging, from fast organelle interactions in 3D, to long term time lapses of photosensitive samples or processes. In this demonstration, we will explore the technology and give a taste of the applications possible.

For further information before the talk please visit: ZEISS Lattice Lightsheet 7 or here for application examples.

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