Zero-Pollution Technologies Symposium

An Imperial College London-Technical University of Munich (TUM) Zero-Pollution Technologies Symposium.

Keynote and panel

President Hugh Brady of Imperial College London, and President Thomas F. Hofmann of the Technical University of Munich, will preside over this high-profile event, which features a keynote from Dr Mark Bentall, Head of Research and Technology, Airbus. As well as a panel discussion with leaders from industry, policy, academic and start-up communities, focused on sustainable future mobility and the decarbonisation of transport.

A networking reception will follow the panel discussion.

You can also join the event live on our YouTube channel

Imperial-TUM Zero Pollution Network

The Imperial-TUM Zero-Pollution Network aims to engage UK, German and European ecosystems to develop and translate solutions to some of the greatest sustainability challenges and combined threats of global pollution, biodiversity loss and climate change.

Imperial and TUM are two of the world’s leading science and technology universities. The occasion will also mark the renewal of the Imperial-TUM flagship partnership which aims to leverage a shared focus on entrepreneurship and respective track records of working with industry on the development of frontier technologies and the commercialisation of science.

The event takes place with the against the backdrop of the UK’s association to Horizon Europe, a UKRI-DfG agreement to support research and innovation collaboration, and a new innovation partnership between the UK and Bavaria.

White City Innovation Ecosystem

The event takes place at Imperial’s White City Innovation Campus in West London, fast emerging as a global economic hotspot in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, medicine, business (STEMMB), the arts and media.

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