This event is part of the Friday Forums, a series of events consisting of a panel followed by an audience discussion. It is a rule of the Forum that half of the time is given over to audience discussion. Do come along expecting to be involved in lively discussion and debate. All Friday Forums are free with lunch provided and are open to all College members.
For The Good Science Project‘s sixth Friday Forum of 2024, we’ll look at how the UG curriculum can best link up with new thinking on research culture.
How science is done matters for undergraduates. They may be thinking of becoming researchers themselves and want reassurance they will be entering a ‘good’ research environment. They may have views about science and ethics, or the directions science research should take. And of course, science researchers are often teachers too. Does the way you teach depend in any way on the way you do your research?
This Friday Forum is a collaboration between the Good Science Project and Imperial’s education initiative ‘Imperial+’. Am important concept we will consider is ‘sustainability’, believing that there are valuable cross-overs between the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals, and how science is researched and taught.
This Friday Forum is led by undergraduates. Working in groups, they will use the lunchtime discussion to consider good practice in their disciplines, and make recommendations for progress.
We are delighted to be joined by a number of staff ‘respondents’, including Professor Mary Ryan, Vice-Provost (Research and Enterprise) and Professor Alan Spivey, Associate Provost (Learning and Teaching).
The event is chaired by Dr Stephen Webster and Eliott Stoclet.
Image credit: Thomas Angus, Imperial College London.
Register here.