Group therapy tool for researchers to share their feelings on climate change: Neal Haddaway and Joe Duggan

The Institute of Global Health Innovation is hosting a climate and mental health presentation led by environmental scientists Neal Haddaway and Joe Duggan on their recently published research paper.

This work addresses the escalating risks posed by the climate crisis and its impact on mental wellbeing, particularly among professionals in the field. The presentation will explore the use of group therapy as a tool to create a safe space for researchers to share their feelings on climate change.

Please note that the talk will be filmed, as part of a documentary film about group therapy for environmental scientists with eco-anxiety, which the paper authors are involved in.

When: Monday 11 March, 13.30pm – 14.30pm
Where: Sir Alexander Fleming Building (room SAF 119), South Kensington Campus, Imperial College London
Format: in person

Register for the event by submitting the following form by 8 March 2024:

With any queries, please contact Laura-Maria Horga, IGHI Communications and Events Officer,

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