Chris Gale inaugural lecture

Join Professor Chris Gale, online or in person, for his Imperial Inaugural.

We have limited in-person spaces available so please ensure you register in advance.


If you are lucky, you will get through life without ever needing to meet a neonatologist. Unfortunately, one in every eight babies need some kind of neonatal care shortly after birth because they are born early or sick. Although a young specialty, neonatal medicine has made incredible advances over recent decades so that even the smallest and sickest babies now routinely survive and thrive. There is however still much left to learn about how best to care for sick and premature babies.

Professor Chris Gale has worked to develop large research studies involving thousands of sick and premature babies across the United Kingdom and internationally, to resolve some of the many uncertainties inherent in neonatal care. He works closely with parents and families to make neonatal research simpler and easier to take part in. Chris’ lecture will chart the history of large research studies and how they have, and continue to, advance neonatal care. He will also reflect on using different research approaches and methods to answer clinical questions, and on embedding research and research findings into clinical care.


Professor Chris Gale is Professor of Neonatal Medicine, based within the School of Public Health at Imperial College London, and honorary consultant neonatologist at Chelsea and Westminster NHS Foundation Trust.

His research focuses on improving outcomes for sick and preterm babies through large clinical trials, observational research and population-level surveillance. He leads some of the largest neonatal randomised controlled trials ever undertaken internationally, as well as national surveillance of brain injuries occurring around the time of birth and of babies affected by SARS-CoV-2. Other research has informed feeding and nutritional practice for preterm and sick term babies internationally. He undertook his undergraduate medical training at Newcastle-upon-Tyne, and postgraduate academic training at UCL and Imperial College. He is President Elect of the Neonatal Society.

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