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This webinar is part of the Grantham Institute – Climate Change and Environment and National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) joint webinar series.

If we are going to achieve the ambitions of the global Paris Agreement on climate change, then the proportion of global electricity supplied from renewable resources needs to increase dramatically. Whilst the costs of key technologies like solar and wind power are reducing dramatically, economics alone are not enough to drive deployment – the policy and regulatory environment must also be supportive.

This webinar will focus on how to create a pro-renewables environment, building on the course of the same name, part of the Clean Power MOOC. During the webinar, course leader, Dr Jeffrey Hardy and  IRENA Director of Knowledge, Policy and Finance Centre Dr Rabia Ferroukhi will discuss the components of a pro-renewables environment, including setting meaningful targets, stimulating the supply chain, stimulating investment, and policy and regulations that support renewables in different contexts.

The webinar will be chaired by Dr Rob Gross, Reader in Energy Policy and Technology at Imperial College London.

There will be plenty of time for questions and answers from the audience.

The panelists will provide their own perspectives. The conversation will be followed by an interactive Q&A session with the audience. Please join the discussion and follow our campaign updates via #SupportForRenewables on Twitter ahead of and during the webinar.

Please register in advance.


Joining instructions

Please note this is a webinar which you will join remotely.

Please join the meeting via zoom.

Here are some instructions on Zoom meetings.




Dr Jeff Hardy is a Senior Research Fellow at the Grantham Institute – Climate Change and the Environment at Imperial College London, where he researches what the future low carbon energy system might look like, how people will engage with it and what businesses will be operating in it.

Previously he was Head of Sustainable Energy Futures at the GB energy regulator, Ofgem, and Head of Science for Work Group III of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. He’s also worked at the UK Energy Research Centre, the Royal Society of Chemistry, the Green Chemistry Group at the University of York and at Sellafield as research chemist in a nuclear laboratory.


Dr Rabia Ferroukhi joined IRENA in 2011. She is currently the Director of the Knowledge, Policy and Finance Centre where she oversees the Agency’s work on knowledge, policy and finance, including: efforts to produce up-to-date and authoritative renewable energy data and information; analysis to identify best practice in renewable energy policies and finance; and advice and support to countries, tailoring policy and investment analysis to renewables deployment in the field.

Dr Ferroukhi brought to this position over 20 years of experience in the fields of energy, development and environment. She worked in both public and private sectors, including with governments in the Middle-East and North Africa, energy companies in the Mediterranean region and the GCC, and international institutions.

Dr Ferroukhi holds a Masters in Applied Economics and a PhD in Economics from the American University in Washington DC.


About the webinar series

The Grantham Institute at Imperial College London and National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), are hosting a series of three webinars as part of the Clean Power MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) programme. The courses, taught by Imperial academics including Professor Joanna HaighDr Kris MurrayProfessor Richard GreenDr Ajay GambhirDr Jeffrey Hardy and Dr Clementine Chambon, focus on why the world urgently needs to shift to a cleaner power sector, how policy and regulation can create a ‘pro-renewables’ environment, and how to incorporate renewable energy into electricity grids.

Each webinar will provide an opportunity for learners to meet the course tutors at a live event, and also hear perspectives and ask questions from other clean power experts working in organisations such as IRENA and NREL.


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