Research opportunities
New PhD opportunities have now been advertised via the NERC Doctoral training program and the Department of Earth Science and Engineering.
PhD positions
NERC Grantham DTP Science and Solutions for A Changing Planet offers a yearly call. The next projects will be advertised in November 2016, and the application deadline in mid January 2017. These are for UK students. Please check on the DTP website and get in touch with individual members of staff if you are interested so that they can support your application.
The Department of Earth Science and Engineering offers a few Janet Watson PhD fellowships each year that are available to UK or EU students and not tied to a specific topic. Deadlines are similar to those of the Grantham DTP. Please check the ESE website and liaise with the staff members offering the projects you are interested in.
Postdoctoral Research Fellowships
Imperial offers IC Research Fellowships to outstanding candidates on a yearly basis. Please check the website for further information. We are happy to provide support for applicants with complementary interests in Geohazards Research. Please contact the member(s) of staff that you would be interested in collaborating with.
Similarly, we are happy to provide support for other fellowship applications to work with us, e.g. NERC research fellowships, Royal Society University Research Fellowships, RAS Fellowships, Marie Curie applications. Please contact the member(s) of staff that you would be interested in collaborating with.