What scholarships do we offer and how can these help you?
Living expenses at university will vary considerably according to your personal circumstances and lifestyle. You can view a rough guide to what you might expect to spend to live in reasonable comfort in London on our Cost of Living in London webpage.
Our department and college offer scholarships to assist you with your living costs.
From the Department
You do not need to apply for departmental scholarships, as our admissions tutor will determine suitability. If you qualify for a scholarship, you will be notified and invited to submit additional information in March.
Departmental Scholarships include a fee waiver + £6000 p/a towards your living costs. Recipients must be from the U.K.
Ceres Scholarships include £5000 p/a. Applicants must demonstrate an interest in the energy sector in their personal statements.
Four Departmental Bursaries worth £1000 p/a are available.
- Six Widening Participation Bursaries worth £5000 p/a are available to applicants who meet the criteria for contextual offers.
From College
You will need to apply for some of these scholarships – please read the information for each scholarship via the links below.
Imperial Bursaries - these are means-tested, and we look at the information you submit to Student Finance.
- International Baccalaureate Excellence Scholarships - for overseas fee-paying students studying the International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma programme.
- Presidential Scholarship for Students of Black Heritage
These are means-tested, and we look at the information you submit to Student Finance. You must submit your Student Finance application by 31 May, even if you do not intend to take out this loan or any other government loan.
Scholarship Search Tool
You can use the Scholarship Search Tool to find more information about scholarships at Imperial College London.
There are a number of scholarships available for Materials offer holders, including: Cowrie Foundation Scholarship, Kingsbury Scholarship, World Scientific Scholarship, and Grocer's Company Queens Golden Jubilee Scholarship.
External scholarships
There are also a number of external scholarships which you may like to apply for.
Please visit our 'non-imperial scholarships' webpage to see if you are eligible.
The Scholarship Hub also has many scholarships for the Engineering sector.