Below are some answers to frequently asked questions in regards to the MultiSci Studentships award and application process. This information relates specifically to the MultiSci MRC DTP studentship programme, and other types of MRC studentships (such as those offered by the MRC Centres) have a different recruitment process and may have different award details.

Application and selection

How do I apply for the MultiSci Studentships?

Applications are only accepted via our online application. 

See the How to apply page for all necessary information about the application and selection process.

What is the selection process?

The selection process is overseen by the MultiSci Leadership Team, with an estimated timeline as follows:  

Early December 2024: All applications which meet Imperial’s academic eligibility criteria are redacted of personal information and reviewed by the MultiSci Leadership team. Initial evaluation criteria are: responses to the Case for Support questions, research interests that match MultiSci’s interdisciplinary strategic areas and whether an applicant’s academic/employment journey so far indicates potential to complete a PhD.  

Mid December 2024 – mid January 2025: Redacted applications still in the process are independently reviewed and scored by 3 Imperial academics. Based on scores and comments, approx. 24 applicants will be invited to interview.

Mid-Late February 2025: Online panel interviews (usually 3 Imperial academics and 1 current PhD student) take place. Based on scores and comments from all interviewers, up to 8 candidates are contacted by email in early March 2025 with an offer for the 2025-26 entry to the MultiSci Studentship Programme.  

Please refer to the How to Apply pages for more information about the process.

When will I know the outcome of my application?

Applicants should expect to know the outcome, whether unsuccessful or invited to interview, by the end of January 2025. We aim to make offers to successful students in early March 2025.

Can I apply for both MultiSci and the President’s PhD Scholarship at the same time?

Yes, but the application and selection processes for the President's PhD Scholarships are different.

Please also refer to the full application process for the President's PhD Scholarship. 

Will you need my references at the time of my application and who should I ask?
  • We will need details of two referees in your MultiSci application form. If you are invited to interview, they will be emailed and asked to provide their references.
  • Your application should include the name and contact details of two referees, at least one of which should be an academic referee. In selecting your referees, you should consider that those who have worked with/supervised you directly are most likely to be able to provide strong evidence of your suitability for PhD studies. You should also consider who will be able to return a reference for you without delay. 
Is it possible to just complete the 3.5-year PhD with a MultiSci studentship?

No, MultiSci is a 4.5-year programme. The first year of MultiSci provides important foundational training to prepare you for undertaking a PhD at Imperial, as well as MultiSci cohort activities.

Lab rotations undertaken during the first year gives you the opportunity to try out different labs before deciding where to do your PhD. It also allows you to learn new skills and expand your academic network–which are invaluable as you develop your PhD project.  

I would prefer to undertake a different Master’s programme during the first year of MultiSci, not the MRes Biomedical Research. Can I do this?

No, because the MultiSci MRes Biomedical Research includes MultiSci-specific cohort training and this cannot be extended to other Master's programmes.

I would like to pursue a Master's course at Imperial even if my MultiSci application is unsuccessful. Can I submit an application?
Does the 4.5 year studentship involve direct progression from Master's to PhD?
  • Yes. You will initially register as an MRes student, and following successful completion of the programme and confirmation of your PhD project, we will transfer you directly to the PhD register. A separate application for your PhD at Imperial will not be needed.
  • Please note: international students are currently required to apply for separate visas for the MRes registration and the PhD registration.  
Can I take on teaching/clinical work or other paid work during the studentship?

Students may undertake teaching, demonstrating or other paid work, provided that: 

  • They are legally allowed to do so: any work that a student undertakes must be formalised with a proper contract of employment covering the work the student is expected to do, and would need to conform to Home Office regulations regarding employment. Information for international students is available here. 
  • It does not interfere with their studies: it would normally be expected that work takes place outside of core teaching/working hours, and we recommend that the total demand on time including time spent in preparation, does not normally exceed six hours a week. Any time away from your research should be discussed/agreed with your supervisor in advance.  


Am I eligible to apply for the MultiSci Studentships?

Please refer to the eligibility criteria. Please check carefully that you are eligible to apply before submitting an application. Please also refer to further guidance from UKRI on changes to EU and International Eligibility for UKRI funded studentships.

I am an international applicant. Will my full tuition fees be covered?

International applicants are welcome to apply, however places are limited, and candidates should familiarise themselves with the DTP eligibility criteria before applying.

If successful, international students will receive an identical funding package as home students which includes home level tuition fees at the UKRI level. 

Please note:- 

  • Successful international candidates will be required to apply for separate visas for their MRes and PhD registrations.  
  • Unfortunately, the College cannot cover any of the costs associated with the separate visa applications. 
  • Due to financial reasons, not all departments at Imperial are able to support international MultiSci students for their PhD projects. Therefore, there may be restrictions on what department an international student can do their PhD in unless they are able to fund the fees difference themselves or secure other sources of funding.
  • If you have any questions regarding your fee status, or wish to appeal a given status, please follow the guidance on the fee status page. For visa guidance, please contact the International Office  

Research themes

What are the Imperial College research themes for this programme?

There are three research themes for the MultiSci studentships:

  • The battle against infections
  • Understanding disease mechanisms in humans
  • Realising the power of big data to improve health
Is there a quota of awards, based on the themes?

No, we are not looking to recruit specific numbers to each research area. The programme aims to support up to 8 students in this cohort, with studentships awarded to the best students, who, under advice from the MultiSci Leadership Team, then go on to choose projects in one of the research areas indicated on their application form.

Is my area of research interest included?

Probably!  MultiSci’s research themes are broad and encompass an extensive and wide range of research areas. When applying, you will be asked to describe your research area of interest with three key words or phrases – this will help us clarify the connection between our research themes and your research interests.

If you are made an offer for MultiSci, you will not be restricted to working within these areas – your research interests may evolve or change as you carry out project rotations in year 1 of your studentship.  

What should I include as my 'key phrases'?

Having chosen the research theme, please further define your area of interest by making use of the key phrases. Some examples are given below:

An interest in Cancer Epigenetics
Key phrases: Cancer, Epigenetics, ChIP-seq
Research area: Understanding disease mechanisms in humans

An interest in Infectious Disease
Key phrases: Malaria, Molecular, Vaccination
Research area: The battle against infections

An interest in Cardiolovascular Science
Key phrases: Myocardial Disease, Gene Therapy, Dial Disease
Research area: Understanding disease mechanisms in humans

An interest in Child Health
Key phrases: Paediatrics, Neonatology, Epidemiology
Research area: Realising the power of big data to improve health

What type of research are you funding under the programme?

Details of projects undertaken by MultiSci MRC DTP students can be found in the student profiles are also available on our website.

A selection of previous PhD projects carried out by other MRC DTP students is given below.

  • From single cells to cognitive phenotypes: development of multimodal foundational AI models with clinical applications (MultiSci PhD project).
  • Defining the mechanisms underlying the development of adaptive immunity to Streptococcus pyogenes (MultiSci PhD project) 
  • Using metabolomics and tissue imaging to study metabolic interventions in ovarian high-grade serous carcinoma (HGSC) (MultiSci PhD project).
  • Understanding the importance of electrical stimulation in spinal cord injury repair (MultiSci PhD project)Longitudinal Multi-Omic Data Integration for the Study of Evolutionary Dynamics and Awakening in Hormone Dependent Breast Cancer (MultiSci PhD project).
  • A Study of Epstein Barr Virus Oncoproteins EBNA3A and EBNA3C In Vitro and In Vivo.
  • Engineering a novel diagnostic test for tuberculosis using nanoparticle-based detection of a whole blood gene expression signature.
  • The Potential of the Pedunculopontine Nucleus for Deep Brain Stimulation in Parkinson's Disease.
  • Genetic Mapping of Metabonomic Markers of CardioMetabolic Diseases Metabolic Charactersiation of Neuroblastoma.


Supervisors and research projects

Do I need to have a supervisor and research project confirmed before I apply for the MultiSci studentship?

No, applicants are not expected to confirm their supervisor and research project until after the studentships have been awarded, but in general, a clear idea of the area you intend to pursue may be beneficial to your application. 

Which PhD research projects are available and who can I choose as a supervisor?
  • MultiSci does not provide a list of pre-designed PhD projects. Instead, students are supported in identifying research groups they would like to work with, and develop their own projects in partnership with prospective supervisors. The main ways in which MultiSci students find out about potential PhD topics and labs are: 
    • Through their MRes project rotations: getting first-hand experience of working on a topic is a great way to find out if you want to do a PhD on it. However, it is not a requirement that you do your PhD in a lab you did an MRes project in. 
    • Using their research and networking skills to explore the range of research being carried out at Imperial. 
    • Discussing their interests with the MultiSci team, who provide a list of researchers at Imperial who are interested in working with a MultiSci student.  
  • MultiSci PhD projects can be based in any Faculty at Imperial, and at least 2 supervisors are requiredproviding a great opportunity for students to develop new inter-disciplinary collaborations. It is important to note the following regulations relating to primary supervisor eligibity: 
    • A primary supervisor would normally hold at least a Senior Lecturer post at Imperial, and be experienced PhD supervisor (i.e. has led PhD students to completion). 
    • Anyone already holding the role of primary supervisor for an MRC-DTP studentship recipient is not eligible to be primary supervisor for a MultiSci student. 
  • All supervisors will be required to have completed the Cornerstone ‘Fundamentals of Supervising PhD Students’ online course before a MultiSci PhD project commences. 

Financial support package

What funding does the studentship package include?

The MultiSci studentship covers: 

  1. Payment of tuition fees at UKRI level for 2024-25 - international students should note that not all departments at Imperial will be able to accept them for their PhD due to the difference in fee levels required
  2. A tax-free maintenance award, currently £20,622 per annum (expected to rise to £21,237 from October 2024) during the MRes and PhD years. Stipend support of up to 6 months is also provided for writing-up. 
  3. A research training support grant (RTSG) of £5,000 per annum, paid to the supervisor for supporting the student’s training and research (not applicable for Master's year).
  4. A conference fund of £300 per annum to facilitate registration and attendance at conferences and scientific meetings (not applicable for Master's year). 
  5. Supplement funds to support a wide range of research and training activities including internships, high cost training and outreach.


If you have any questions that are not covered here, please contact the PG Team by email


Applications for MultiSci October 2025 are now open. To apply, read our How to Apply page.


Successful MultiSci students will be supported by a tax-free stipend (currently £20,622 per annum) , paid tuition fees, an annual research training and support grant, a conference fund and access to the MRC Supplement Scheme to help fund a wide range of research and training activities.  See our FAQs page.

General enquiries

For enquiries about the the MultiSci DTP at Imperial College London, please contact:

FEO Postgrad Team