Find Us
The centre is located within Chemistry RCS1 building at the South Kensington Campus. Travel information and a campus map in PDF format can be found on the South Kensington campus page.
Access to the centre
For safety reasons, the NMR centre has restricted swipe card entry only. For access contact Yingqi Xu. Internal staff and students should provide their security card number to request individual access.
Arriving at the centre
The main entrance to the centre is from Observatory Road via the swipe access double doors. The easiest way to get to the Obervatory Road entrance is to come to the front of RCS1 and turn left down the drive under the archway. The CFNMR Centre entrance is via the double doors in the large white facade at RCS1 ground level.
For staff and students with RCS1 swipe permission, the centre has an alternative internal entrance from level 0. Enter the main RCS1 swipe door and go down the steps to level 0. At the bottom turn right, then first left to the double doors marked "Cross Faculty Centre for NMR".
A blow up of the campus map with the Observatory Road entrance highlighted is shown below.