Maintaining contact
The College’s Personal Tutorial System is based on scheduled meetings between Tutors and their tutees.
PT quotes
Tutor's tip
“When you get their UCAS forms in September, look up the student’s date of birth, and add it as a recurring item to your calendar, so you can send them a quick message by email on their birthday. I’ve also found this is a handy way to keep in touch with personal tutees out-of-band with the ebb and flow of the academic year.” (Personal Tutor, Department of Life Sciences)
Tutor's tip
“Be persistent in making contact with any student that fails to engage with the tutorial system, as there is often an underlying problem.” (Personal Tutor, NHLI)
Maintaining contact
Scheduling meetings
Tutors should clearly communicate to tutees their availability for tutorial meetings and the most effective method for contacting them. This is normally by email. Some departments use the Starfish system.
Students are encouraged to take the initiative to meet with their Personal Tutors on a one-to-one basis to discuss any questions or issues which arise at other times. Such meetings will be in addition to scheduled Personal Tutorial meetings.
Students should be actively encouraged to view their Personal Tutor as a first point of contact and as someone who can advise and support students across a wide range of issues and not someone whom they should only see when they have a problem.
Failure to attend
If a Personal Tutor fails to attend the meeting with his/her tutee, it is the Personal Tutor who must reschedule the meeting.
If a student fails to attend this should be followed up by the Personal Tutor as it could be an indicator of a potential welfare issue. Non-attendance also has potentially serious implications for international students holding Tier 4 visas. For advice consult International Student Services.
As part of the College's safeguarding approach, if you become concerned that an absent student may be vulnerable to engagement with extremist ideologies or to targeting by extremist organisations see the College’s Prevent Strategy.
If student fails to turn up repeatedly you should advise your Senior Tutor or Postgraduate Tutor.