Professor Alan Heavens

Dark Energy : Dark Matter : Dark Gravity
Dark energy and dark matter pervade the Universe.
Dark energy and dark matter pervade the Universe. Professor Alan Heavens looks at how we find their properties and tests whether Einstein's gravity theory works in his inaugural lecture.

Gravitational Lensing - Alan Heavens / Serious Science
Astrostatistician Alan Heavens on general relativity,
Astrostatistician Alan Heavens on general relativity, how lensing can be used to observe dark matter and whether Einstein's theory of gravity might be wrong.

Standard Cosmological Model - Alan Heavens / Serious Science
Astrostatistician Alan Heavens on the expanding Universe
Astrostatistician Alan Heavens on the expanding Universe, cosmological constant, and why our cosmological model may be incomplete.
Professor Andrew Jaffe

Dawn of time exhibit at the Royal Society Summit
Andrew Jaffe, Dawn of time exhibit at the Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition 2013
Andrew is a scientist from the Dawn of time exhibit at the Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition 2013.

Dawn of time by Andrew Jaffe
Dawn of time by Andrew Jaffe at Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition 2013
Dawn of time by Andrew Jaffe at Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition 2013.
Professor Daniel Mortlock

Dawn of time exhibit
Daniel Mortlock, Dawn of time exhibit at the Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition 2013
Daniel Mortlock is a scientist from the Dawn of time exhibit at the Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition 2013.

Will the universe go on expanding forever?
Will the universe go on expanding forever?
In less than 100 seconds, astrophysicist Daniel Mortlock gives his informed opinion on the ultimate fate of the universe.
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