Professor Jerome Gauntlett
Professor Jerome Gauntlett
Jerome Gauntlett is Chair in Theoretical Physics in the Department of Physics. His principal research interests are focussed on string theory, quantum field theory and black holes. Visit Jerome's Imperial Profile and find information below on his outreach activities.
- Prof. Jerome Gauntlett on "Back To The Future Day 2015: Is time travel actually possible?" IBTimes UK interview
- Appeared in the film Windrider with Nicole Kidman
- Contributed to the movie The Theory of Everything on the Life of Stephen Hawking
Jerome's YouTube content
Black Holes and the Fundamental Laws of Physics
Black holes are amongst the most extraordinary objects that are known to exist in the universe.
Black holes are amongst the most extraordinary objects that are known to exist in the universe. Jerome Gauntlett will discuss their fascinating properties and describe the dramatic recent observations of black holes using gravitational waves. He will also explain why it is believed that black holes hold the key to unlocking the next level of our understanding of the fundamental laws of physics.
Black holes, entropy and strings
A hugely popular talk by Professor Jerome Gauntlett from Oct 2019
Black holes are amongst the most extraordinary objects that are known to exist in the universe.
They are predictions of Einstein's theory of General Relativity, our best theory of gravity, and they have recently been directly observed using gravitational waves. By incorporating quantum theory we know that black holes have entropy, a concept that was first introduced to understand the properties of heat.