Imperial College is leading research in Quantum Fields and Fundamental Forces, Quantum Gravity and Cosmology. See below for a list of media coverage and public engagement for all tastes and all levels.
Research Topics
Block 2

Invisibility Cloak
Can we get invisible like Harry Potter?
Quantum Information
What is quantum physics?
Block 3
Good Reads

Memorial Volume on Abdus Salam's 90th Birthday
by Lars Brink, Michael Duff, Kok Khoo Phua, Michael James

Saturn from Cassini-Huygens
by Michele K. Dougherty, larry W. Esposito, Stamatios M. Krimigis

Faster Than The Speed of Light
by Joao Magueijo

A Brilliant Darkness
by Joao Magueijo
Useful Links
- Imperial College London's Outreach Office
- Thinking of applying to study Physics?
- Women in Physics
- Physics LGBT+ Allies Network
- The Blackett Lab Family