Dr Michael Vanner
Project Details:
My team's research aims to explore quantum mechanics on a more macroscopic scale by generating quantum states of high-frequency sound waves using laser light confined inside optical microresonators. Pursuing this research project can lead to new knowledge for powerful new quantum technologies and also help shed light on the very foundations of physics.
Start Date: September 2019
Duration: 4 years with 3 year second phase available
Duration: 4 years with 3 year second phase available
a) Why did you decide to come to Imperial?
I joined the department in 2017 as a lecturer and was attracted by the exciting spectrum of research being pursued as well as Imperial's many ongoing contributions to the broader field of quantum optics.
b) What benefits did you get from this fellowship scheme (UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship)?
This Fellowship was a great opportunity to expand our new team and lab. It also provides significant added value over more traditional funding schemes through its support and flexibility.
You can read more about Dr Michael Vanner's research on his group webpage and twitter account.