Studying Process Systems Engineering
We provide a vibrant interdisciplinary research environment to nurture your full potential


Frequently asked questions

We have two Sargent Centre Student Reps Mr Mohamed Maher and Mr Tanuj Karia and three Sargent Centre Post Doc Reps: Dr Sara Giarola and Dr Zoltán Kis from Imperial College and Dr Max Besenhard from UCL. You can contact your Reps about any problems, issues or suggestions that you would like to raise. The Reps will represent your views to Sargent Centre Management and provide feedback from Sargent Centre community. It is essential that you make efforts to communicate issues of concern. This can be positive feedback on aspects which work well (and thus might be shared as good practice) as well as concerns about issues which negatively affect your experience. The Reps will also be invited to comment on, and provide input to proposed changes to procedures and will decimate information to their peers. The overall aim is to improve the experience for Sargent Centre researchers.

Student Reps

Post Doc Reps

All Sargent Centre members, including Students and Post Docs are required to have personal web page (PWP). Instructions on how to create a PWP can be found below by selecting your university.  When you have created your PWP, please email it to Miss Senait Selassie. Your PWP will be linked to the Sargent Centre Website.

  • For Imperial College London personal web page, please contact Miss Senait Selassie
  • For University College London, Department Of Chemical Engineering personal web page, please contact Ms Katy Le Lion
  • For University College London, Department of Biochemical Engineering personal web page, please contact Ms Jana Small 

Whilst you are in Sargent Centre, you have the added advantage of being able to interact and network with industrial companies. This unique access to multinational companies is provided through the Centre’s Industrial Consortium. The Centre holds annually an Industrial Consortium Meeting and the event features Research Poster Session and Recruitment Session and presentations from Industrial Companies. This privileged interaction in the past has led to our students doing secondments and gaining employment with our company members. The Industrial Consortium Meetings take place on the first Thursday and Friday in December. It is a requirement for all Sargent Centre students to attend the Industrial Consortium Meetings . The next meeting will be on 2nd and 3rd December 2021.

The Sargent Centre has been running a successful Seminar Series for many years and each year we invite distinguished national and international experts to the Centre. The seminars are put together by Dr Ruth MisenerDr Alexandros Kiparissides, Dr Antonio del Rio Chanona and Sarah Payne. Industrial Consortium Members can propose speakers and topics of research that interest them by contacting their company's Academic Friend. The Sargent Centre Seminar Series video recordings are available and can be downloaded.  

The theme for this year’s seminar series is “Manufacturing the Future: Industry, Biology & Mathematics”.

In 2017, Sargent Centre started the Webinar SeriesThe webinars are one-hour online session: 40 minutes' presentation + 20 minutes' Q&A. For more information, please visit the Webinar Series page.

If you have exciting news to share, please let us know so that we can include it in the Website and Newsletter. You can report your news by contacting Senait Selassie:

Imperial College logo

UCL logo