About us
- The Medicines for Human Use (Clinical Trials) Regulations 2004 make working under the provisions of Good Clinical Practice (GCP) a legal requirement for clinical trials of investigational medicinal products. The College is also required to take on additional responsibilities for their initiation and conduct.
- The UK Policy Framework for Health and Social Care Research imposes specific standards on those involved in healthcare research, either as clinicians, researchers, Chief Investigators, employers or support staff. Perhaps most fundamentally, there must be an identified sponsor for any research within the NHS or social care.
- Other legislation also has an impact on the way in which healthcare research is conducted (e.g. Human Tissue Act 2004 and Mental Capacity Act 2005).
For all research the Research Governance and Integrity Team (RGIT) works towards research integrity in line with the College’s adoption of The Council for Science and technology's Universal Ethical Code for Scientists
The RGIT also provides two ethics committees for non-NHS Healthcare Research and additional human impact Research- Imperial College Research Ethics Committee (ICREC) and the Science, Engineering and Technology Research Ethics Committee (SETREC).
The RGIT have begun releasing Newsletters to provide necessary updates:
- Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
- Internal Staff updates
- Training Events
- Website Updates
- New/Updated Guidelines
- Regulatory Updates
To view the most recent Newsletter, please click the hyperlink attached RGIT QA Newsletter - Jun 2024.pdf