Concordat to Support Research Integrity

Imperial College London is a signatory to the Concordat to Support Research Integrity and is committed to “maintaining the highest standards of rigour and integrity in all aspects of research”.

View the revised concordat


Imperial College London has been a subscriber to the UK Research Integrity Office since 2016.

Further details are available on the UKRIO page.

Imperial College London is committed to undertaking research of the highest international quality within an intellectually challenging and inspiring environment, to extending the frontiers of research within and beyond existing research disciplines, and to bringing together research expertise within and beyond the College to address the science challenges of today and the future. The College's achievements in research are underpinned by the quality and expertise of the individuals within it, and these pages define the standards of research governance and integrity essential to the College's reputation and success.

The College has adopted the Council for Science and technology's Universal Ethical Code for Scientists and upholds its three principles, which are:

  • Rigour, Honesty and Integrity
  • Respect for Life, the Law and the Public Good
  • Responsible Communications: Listening and Informing

It is the responsibility of every staff member and student to uphold the good reputation of the College and, consequently, it is expected that they will conduct research with integrity. The primary way to encourage appropriate conduct is to promote and maintain a culture of honesty, openness and responsibility.

The College attracts talented academic, research and professional support staff from across the world, creating a vibrant and inspiring environment in which to work. It supports the notion of collegiality and, while recognising individual independence, encourages staff and students from many different disciplines to work together in an atmosphere of mutual respect and co-operation and to recognise the impact that their research activities may have on the rest of the College.

As a signatory to the UK Concordat to Support Research Integrity, the College publishes an annual report on research integrity, which includes a high-level statement on any formal investigations of research misconduct that have been undertaken in the previous year.  View the most recent Annual Report: Research Integrity Report 2021

The senior member of staff with leadership oversight for research integrity at the College is the Vice-Provost (Research and Enterprise), Professor Mary Ryan.

The College Secretary, Malcolm Edwards, is the point of contact for whistle-blowers and for any person wishing to raise concerns about the integrity of research conducted at Imperial College.

The links below represent pooled information from across the College relating to Research Integrity. Please send any comments on the content, or suggestions for additional content to the Research Office.