Research related policies
Policies maintained by the Research Office
Proposal Development Policy ROP-06 [pdf]: provides an overview of the principles governing the development of funding proposals (grant applications and research contracts) and relevant College policies. The policy also sets out the principles governing Bid Management.
Costing and Pricing Policy ROP-01 [pdf]: policy governing the costing and pricing of externally funded research.
Investigator Eligibility Policy ROP-03 [pdf]: policy governing Principal and Co-Investigator eligibility when applying for research funding, where there are no prevailing Funder eligibility criteria.
Approval and Authorisation Policy ROP-02 [pdf]: policy governing faculty approval and college authorisation of research proposals and related agreements.
Preferred terms and conditions: the College’s framework supporting the negotiation and agreement of terms and conditions in research and research related agreements.
Post Award Management Policy [pdf]: policy governing post award operational processes, authorisation responsibilities and administrative minimum monitoring requirements.
Classification and Management of Research Funding : guidance governing the classification and management of external research funding in line with regulatory and accounting requirements.
Intellectual Property policy (College login): policy governing the ownership, management and commercialisation of IP generated by staff, associates and students. A public access version is also available: Intellectual Property policy (Public access)
Reward to Inventors Scheme Imperial log in only [pdf]: discretionary scheme for sharing College’s revenue generated from the commercialisation of IP with inventors, Faculties and College.
NIH Financial Conflict of Interest Policy: policy enforcing strict rules with regard to the management and deadlines for disclosure and reporting of Financial Conflicts of Interest.
Research Data Management Policy [pdf]: policy in order to foster best practice in research data management for the academic and research community.
Research Governance SOPs governing the management and operational aspects of conducting clinical research.