The air pollution measurement team is led by Dr Iq Mead, and Timothy Baker.
Air pollution measurements and the measurement infrastructure is a crucial component of the research activities within the Environmental Research Group. The measurement of air pollution is a core step in the accountability chain allowing the assessment of air pollution health effects, the targeted development of control polices and feedback on their implementation.
We are highly active in supporting air quality compliance networks through our specialist skills and systems to ensure the resources invested by local authorities, city and central government yield high quality data. Through this work we always seek go beyond compliance assessment; it is inadequate just to determine if an air quality standard is breached or not.
It is our mission to understand the sources of air pollution, to what extent people are exposed, the impact that this has on their heath and to provide the public with the necessary information to make choices regarding their exposure.
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Team Members
Tim Baker
Tim Baker
Deputy Manager
Beatrice Barratt
Beatrice Barratt
Casual Worker
Anastasia Beckett
Anastasia Beckett
Senior Air Quality Analyst
John Casey
John Casey
Senior Air Quality Analyst
Hima Chouhan
Hima Chouhan
Senior Air Quality Analyst
Paul Johnson
Paul Johnson
Senior Air Quality Analyst
Erica Winn
Erica Winn
Senior Air Quality Analyst
Social media
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