SAPC SE Regional Meeting 2023
SAPC SE Regional Meeting 2023: Health Equity for People and Planet
Undergraduate Primary Care Education at Imperial College London hosted the South-East Annual Scientific Meeting of the Society of Academic Primary Care 2023.
The conference took place online on Thursday 26 January.
The theme was Health Equity for People and Planet and we welcomed Prof Mala Rao, OBE and Dr Aarti Bansal as our keynote speakers.
SAPC Early Career Researcher Award
The SAPC Early Career Researcher prize was awarded to Dr Sarah Pocknell for the oral presentation on Making visible the hidden work of medicines talk in primary care medication reviews.
St George's, Univeristy of London will be hosting the next SAPC SE conference in 2024.
9.30am | Welcome and Introduction Dr Arti Maini & SAPC co-chair Dr Duncan Shrewsbury | |
9.40am | Keynote Prof Mala Rao, OBE Imperial College London Primary Care & Public Health | |
10.15am | Break | |
10.25am | Parallel oral presentations | |
11.25am | Break | |
11.35am | Workshops | |
12.25pm | Lunch | |
1.30pm | Keynote Dr Aarti Bansal, Centre for Sustainable Healthcare | |
2.05pm | Parallel oral presentations | |
3.05pm | Global students presentations | |
3.25pm | Close from Dr Arti Maini | |
3.30pm |
Closed PHoCuS meeting (invited members only) Closed HoTs and HoDs meeting (invited members only) |
Parallel sessions (10.25am-11.25am)
Stream 1: Sustainable Healthcare
Making visible the hidden work of medicines talk in primary care medication reviews | Sarah Pocknell | QMUL |
Navigating the Boundaries of Health and Identity: A Qualitative Study of Medical Students | Sandra Danso-Bamfo | Imperial |
Inclusion of MDT working in undergraduate healthcare curricula: similarities and differences between professions | Victoria Collin | Imperial |
Helping medical undergraduate students to understand healthcare costs | Judith Ibison | St George's |
Stream 2: Health inequity
What impact has the COVID-19 Pandemic had on antibiotic prescribing within General Practices in England? | Olivia Burke | King's |
Hypertension in the time of COVID-19: Blood pressure control was maintained during the pandemic and so were pre-existing health inequities | Stuart Rison | QMUL |
Contraception – Views and Experiences of Trans, Nonbinary and Gender-Diverse people in Canada | Tyne Cairns | UCL |
Inequalities in the attendance and effectiveness of behavioural weight management interventions for adults in the UK: An individual participant data (IPD) meta-analysis | Jack Birch | Cambridge |
Stream 3: Digital health
Exploring perceptions about the potential deployment of Artificial Intelligence within the English NHS Diabetic Eye Screening Programme | Lakshmi Chandrasekaran | St George's |
Influences on patient uptake and engagement with the NHS Digital Diabetes Prevention Programme: a qualitative interview study | Jamie Ross | QMUL |
Health Inequalities in kiDney Disease, mEeting the urgent Need to identify early disease in high-risk communities: A feasibility study of home albuminuria testing in people with high Blood Pressure (HIDDEN-BP) | Kathryn Griffiths | King's |
Patient, Carer and Professional perspectives on the opportunities and challenges for REMOte CARE (REMO CARE) in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease – A qualitative study | Ratna Sohanpal | QMUL |
Stream 4: Preventable and Public Health
Is naturally occurring prebiotic Lactoferrin an acceptable alternative to antibiotic/antifungal tablets for women with bacterial vaginosis or thrush? | Nilofer Dayal | St George's |
Determinants of lipid lowering medication prescribing in a multi-ethnic adult population diagnosed with familial hypercholesterolaemia in South London | Aya Ayoub | King's |
Perspectives on atrial fibrillation screening: a qualitative analysis of media and social media representations | Katy Horder | Cambridge |
What we know about the barriers and facilitators of self-management of multiple long-term conditions in those experiencing socioeconomic deprivation: a qualitative systematic review | Abigail Woodward | UCL |
Workshops (11.35am-12.25pm)
Decolonising a curriculum - Gender, Sexuality and Sexual Health | Mayra Salazar Volkmann, Alice Haoyue Guo, Julia Bailey | UCL |
Effective Community Engagement: Opportunities and Challenges | Stephanie Powell, Naa Okantey | Imperial |
How can we tackle the hidden curriculum around general practice careers at medical school? | Agalya Ramanathan | Imperial |
Not a health repair shop – Interactive learning on population health and health inequalities | See Chai Carol Chan, Zahra Arzoky | Imperial |
Actionable insights to address inequalities through general practice | John Ford, Ben Jackson | QMUL/Cambridge |
Health equity – teaching medical students | Dev Gadhvi, Rohini Sabherwal | QMUL |
Parallel sessions (2.05pm-3.05pm)
Stream 1: Health inequity and Community involvement
Ethnic disparities in consultations for anxiety and depression in primary care | Jamie Scuffell | King's |
The impact of COVID on Relationships and Sex Education teaching in English Secondary Schools: a qualitative analysis | Corrina Horan | UCL |
Time for a new community conversation: breaking away from traditional forms of patient and public engagement | Zahra Arzoky | Imperial |
Implementation of risk stratification within bowel cancer screening: A community jury study exploring public acceptability and communication needs | Lily Taylor | Cambridge |
Stream 2: Equality Diversity Inclusion
Decolonising the second-year medical curriculum: using novel general practice scenarios at a simulated consultation day | Mydhili Radhalakshmi | King's |
How do social networks influence mental health-seeking behaviour in women from ethnic minority groups? A systematic review | Shreya Sabberwal | UCL |
Breast, Prostate, Colorectal, and Lung Cancer Incidence and Risk Factors in Sexual Minority Women and Men: A Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Analysis using UK Biobank | Sarah Underwood | Cambridge |
Simulation Scenario as Story: Findings from a Narrative Review | Jacqueline Driscoll | St George's |
Stream 3: Health outcomes and perspectives
Life, Death and Dying: How Do Relatives, Caregivers and Primary Care Clinicians Evaluate in Retrospect the Management of Acute Health Care Crises with Uncertain Outcomes in Very Frail People? | Jens Foell | Imperial |
Primary care practitioners’ experiences of cancer care reviews: A qualitative study | Dipesh Gopal | QMUL |
Exploring ethnic variations in the risk of infections presenting to primary and secondary care in people with pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes: a matched cohort study | Tess Harris | St George's |
Intersections between emotional distress and hospital discharge for people living with dementia (PLWD): a qualitative study with family carers | Malvi Shah | UCL |