Lower Limb Bilateral Amputee Model

A musculoskeletal model has been developed to estimate the muscle and joint contact forces in the lower residual limbs of a bilateral amputee during everyday activities. The model was developed in Opensim (Delp et al., 2007) based on the lower-body MRI scans of a single subject who lives with one above-knee and one through-knee amputation. The model has been adapted from the existing lower-limb model published by Modenese et al. (2011), with the insertions of certain muscles adapted to reflect re-attachments made during the subject’s amputation.
The model has been used to estimate muscle forces and joint contact forces in the lower limbs and pelvis during amputee gait, stair-climbing and sitting. These results will be used to create a physiologically accurate loading scenario for future Finite Element Analyses on amputee biomechanics.
Joshua Kaufmann
Dr Andrew Phillips
Prof Alison McGregor
Contact us
Dr Andrew Phillips
Imperial College London
Structural Biomechanics
Skempton Building
South Kensington Campus
London SW7 2AZ, UK
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This work by Imperial College London, Structural Biomechanics is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.