The MUSE Simulator allows you to interact with the MUSE model. You can build scenarios, weigh up different trade-offs and it also allows to visualise and make comparisons using graphs. It covers all sectors of the economy (industry, building, power etc.), all greenhouse gas emissions (CO2, N2O, CH4) and hundreds of different technologies.

Simulator TabDescription
 Primary energy Natural resources used to meet the energy demand. This includes coal, gas, oil and renewables. This can also be described as the supply sector.
 Final Energy This is the final energy consumed by the final demand sectors. Demand sectors include agriculture, industry, buildings and transport.
 Conversion- Input The energy consumed by the conversion sector. The conversion sectors include power systems, bio refineries and refineries.
 Emissions These are the emissions produced by primary (supply), final (demand) and conversion sectors. This includes gases such as carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxides.
 Costs This is the capital cost for investment in technologies used in the final (demand) and conversion sectors. For example, this could be an investment in power plants, a fleet of cars or refineries.
 Capacity This is the maximum production for different technologies in the final and conversion sectors. For example, this could be the peak power in power plants or the maximum amount of ammonia produced from a manufacturing facility.
 End-use output

This is the actual production of the different technologies in the final end-use sectors (e.g. agriculture, industry etc.). For example, a plant can produce a maximum amount of ammonia but in reality it only operates at a reduced level of production (e.g. reduced hours in a year).

 Conversion-output This is the actual production of the different technologies in the conversion sectors (e.g. power, refineries, and bio refineries) For example, a power plant can produce a maximum amount of electricity but in reality it only operates at a reduced level.
 Prices This is the carbon price needed to achieve a certain climate target.
Summary of the table's contents

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Dr Adam Hawkes
Dr Sara Giarola

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Email Greg Brina


Sustainable Gas Institute
14 Prince's Gardens
Imperial College London
South Kensington