COVID-ICU breath-by-breath National Service Evaluation
COVID-ICU is an observational cohort study to characterise the ICU management of COVID-19 induced Severe Acute Respiratory Failure.
This is a highly granular data collection which includes daily ventilatory parameters, arterial blood gases, blood tests, and fluid balance, as well as full records of application of adjunctive ARDS therapies, COVID therapies, and renal replacement therapy.
Specific analyses of these cohorts could:
- Provide prognostic information as to the length of mechanical ventilation.
- Improve the delivery of these critical care services.
- Provide guidance towards the potential impact of COVID19 for the upcoming winter.
All research patient data is being collected on eCRF at
Site Registration Form
Queries regarding adding your team to the COVID-ICU database to provide data or get access to the data should be directed to
COVID-ICU Contacts

Brain & Behaviour Lab
Data/AI Lead: Dr. A. Aldo Faisal
Lab website:
We will work on the datasets being gathered on the COVID-ICU. Using state-of-the-art tools in machine learning and AI we aim to map the current COVID19 pandemic to better understand the longitudinal critical care disease trajectory in infected ventilated patients in order to provide clinicians with prediction models of survival, deterioration, and intervention success by characterising the trajectory of subjects with COVID19-ARDS in terms of respiratory physiology and responsiveness to adjunctive ARDS therapies.

Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospital
Chief Investigator: Dr. Brijesh Patel
We are enrolling all patients suspected to have COVID19 who are admitted to an intensive care unit in 20+ NHS England hospitals, with an aim to extend nationwide. This is a unique database in terms of its granularity, as it includes the daily ventilatory parameters, arterial blood gases, blood tests, and fluid balance, as well as full records of application of adjunctive ARDS therapies, COVID therapies, and renal replacement therapy.
Contact us
Artificial Intelligence Network
South Kensington Campus
Imperial College London
To reach the elected speaker of the network, Dr Rossella Arcucci, please contact:
To reach the network manager, Diana O'Malley - including to join the network - please contact: