Claudio Carallo
2009 - 2014 Part-time PhD in Chemical Engineering, Imperial College London
2006 - Present
Teaching, examinations and tutorial activity in: Clinical Methodology in the Faculty of Medicine and Clinical Physiology in the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering
2005 and 2006
Referee for evaluation of scientific projects for International Inter-University, Cooperation of Italian Ministry of University and Scientific Research, European Structural Funds, VI Framework Program
2005 and 2006
Referee for evaluation of scientific projects for the Dutch Diabetes Research Foundation
1999 - Present
Hospital Consultant in Internal (General) Medicine, from 2005 in the University of Catanzaro, Italy
Research Interests
From 1993 to now: theoretical and practical conduction of experiments in the field of Clinical Research: hemodynamic profile of common carotid and brachial artery and their relations with endothelial function and atherosclerosis development; hyperviscosity syndromes studied by viscosimetry and pletismographic or eco-Doppler measurements of arterial flow; epidemiologic studies of atherosclerotic disease and its risk factors in population studies. Hepatic steatosis and its correlation with cardiovascular diseases. Telemedicine Team and Internet Electronic Health Records in the management of chronic diseases. Approximately ten clinical RCT in phase II - IV as co-investigator.
Project Title
Effect of ageing on carotid artery morphology, hemodynamics, and the development of atherosclerosis.
Professor Xiao Yun Xu.
More than 80 communications in Scientific Councils.
- Tripolino C, Gnasso A, Carallo C, Scavelli F, Irace C. Difference in carotid artery elasticity in subjects with different brachial artery kinetic of vasodilatation. J Hum Hypertens 2015 [Article in press]
- Carallo C, Loprete A, Mazza G, Bellotti G, de Siena M, Serrao P, Vuoto ES, de Franceschi MS, Irace C, Gnasso A. Biphasic hemodynamic effects of LDL-apheresis in common carotid artery. Clin Hemorheol Microcirc. 2015 60(3):297-307
- Carallo C, Scavelli FB, Cipolla M, Merante V, Medaglia V, Irace C, Gnasso A. Management of type 2 diabetes mellitus through telemedicine. PloS ONE 2015 May;10(5):e0126858
- Tripolino C, Carallo C, Irace C, Scavelli F, De Franceschi MS, Gnasso A. Plasma viscosity is increased in subjects with elevated ankle brachial index. Clin Hemorheol Microcirc. 2015 60(3):291-296
- Tripolino C, Irace C, Carallo C, De Franceschi MS, Della Valle E, Gnasso A. Blood urea impairs brachial artery flow mediated dilation. Int Angiol. 2015 34(4):392-397
- Carallo C, Irace C, Tripolino C, De Franceschi MS, Procopio A, Crispino A, Fortunato L, Gnasso A. Time course analysis of brachial artery flow mediated dilatation in subjects with gingival inflammation. Int Angiol. 2014 33(6):565-572
-Irace C, Padilla J, Carallo C, Scavelli F, Gnasso A. Delayed vasodilation is associated with cardiovascular risk. Eur J Clin Invest. 2014 Jun;44(6):549-56.
- Palange AL, Di Mascolo D, Carallo C, Gnasso A, Decuzzi P. Lipid-polymer nanoparticles encapsulating curcumin for modulating the vascular deposition of breast cancer cells. Nanomedicine. 2014 Jul;10(5):991-1002.
- Tripolino C, Irace C, Scavelli FB, de Franceschi MS, Esposito T, Carallo C, Gnasso A. Triglyceride glucose index and common carotid wall shear stress. J Investig Med. 2014 Feb;62(2):340-4.
- Irace C, Carallo C, Scavelli F, De Franceschi MS, Esposito T, Gnasso A. Blood viscosity in subjects with normoglycemia and prediabetes. Diabetes Care. 2014 Feb;37(2):488-92.
- Irace C, Carallo C, Scavelli FB, De Franceschi MS, Esposito T, Tripolino C, Gnasso A. Markers of insulin resistance and carotid atherosclerosis. A comparison of the homeostasis model assessment and triglyceride glucose index. Int J Clin Pract. 2013 Jul;67(7):665-72.
- Bosi E, Scavini M, Ceriello A, Cucinotta D, Tiengo A, Marino R, Bonizzoni E, Giorgino F; PRISMA Study Group. Intensive structured self-monitoring of blood glucose and glycemic control in noninsulin-treated type 2 diabetes: the PRISMA randomized trial. Diabetes Care. 2013 Oct;36(10):2887-94.
- Carallo C, De Franceschi MS, Tripolino C, Figliuzzi M, Irace C, Fortunato L, Gnasso A. Common carotid and brachial artery hemodynamic alterations in periodontal disease. J Clin Periodontol. 2013 May;40(5):431-6.
- Irace C, Carallo C, Scavelli F, Esposito T, De Franceschi MS, Tripolino C, Gnasso A. Influence of blood lipids on plasma and blood viscosity. Clin Hemorheol Microcirc. 2014 57(3):283-290
- Palange AL, Di Mascolo D, Singh J, De Franceschi MS, Carallo C, Gnasso A, Decuzzi P. Modulating the vascular behavior of metastatic breast cancer cells by curcumin treatment. Front Oncol. 2012 Nov 15;2:161.
- Irace C, Carallo C, Loprete A, Tripolino C, Scavelli F, Gnasso A. Delayed flow-mediated vasodilation and carotid Atherosclerosis. Eur J Clin Invest. 2013 Jan;43(1):49-55.
- Carallo C, Irace C, De Franceschi MS, Esposito T, Tripolino C, Scavelli F, Merante V, Gnasso A. The effect of HDL cholesterol on blood and plasma viscosity in healthy subjects. Clin Hemorheol Microcirc. 2013 Jan 1;55(2):223-9.
- Vaccaro O, Masulli M, Bonora E, Del Prato S, Giorda CB, Maggioni AP, Mocarelli P, Nicolucci A, Rivellese AA, Squatrito S, Riccardi G; TOSCA.IT study group (Thiazolidinediones Or Sulphonylureas and Cardiovascular Accidents. Intervention Trial). Addition of either pioglitazone or a sulfonylurea in type 2 diabetic patients inadequately controlled with metformin alone: impact on cardiovascular events. A randomized controlled trial. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 2012 Nov;22(11):997-1006.
- Irace C, De Luca S, Shehaj E, Carallo C, Loprete A, Scavelli F, Gnasso A. Exenatide improves endothelial function assessed by flow mediated dilation technique in subjects with type 2 diabetes: results from an observational research. Diab Vasc Dis Res. 2013 Jan;10(1):72-7.
- Irace C, Carallo C, Scavelli F, Loprete A, Merante V, Gnasso A. Lack of association between systolic blood pressure and blood viscosity in normotensive healthy subjects. Clin Hemorheol Microcirc. 2012;51(1):35-41.
- Irace C, Carallo C, De Franceschi MS, Scicchitano F, Milano M, Tripolino C, Scavelli F, Gnasso A. Human common carotid wall shear stress as a function of age and gender: a 12-year follow-up study. Age (Dordr). 2012 Dec;34(6):1553-62.
- Irace C, Fiorentino R, Carallo C, Scavelli F, Gnas so A. Exenatide improves glycemic variability assessed by continuous glucose monitoring in subjects with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Technol Ther. 2011 Dec;13(12):1261-3.
- Carallo C, Irace C, De Franceschi MS, Coppoletta F, Ti riolo R, Scicchitano C, Scavelli F, Gnasso A. The effect of aging on blood and plasma viscosity. An 11.6 years follow-up study . Clin Hemorheol Microcirc. 2011;47(1):67-74.
- Irace C, Rossetti M, Carallo C , Morano S, Vespertini V, Mandosi E, Maranghi M, Fiorentino R, Filetti S, G nasso A. Transaminase levels in the upper normal range are associated with oral hypoglycemic drug therapy failure in patients with type 2 diabetes. Acta Diabetol. 2012 Jun;49(3):193-7.
- Carallo C, Fortunato L, de Franceschi MS, Irace C, Tripolino C, Cristofaro MG, Giudice M, Gnasso A. Periodontal disease and carotid atherosclerosis: are hemodynamic forces a link? Atherosclerosis. 2010 Nov;213(1):263-7.
- Carallo C, Mancuso G, Mauro G, Laghi F, Madafferi B, Irace C, Gnasso A, Scavelli F, Dell'Aquila F, Bartone M, Gullo F, Ferraro M, Spagnuolo V, Belmonte M, Ferrara A, Silvano Rotondaro A, Brandolino N, Parasporo F, Scopelliti F. Hepatic steatosis, carotid atherosclerosis and metabolic syndrome: the STEATO Study. J Gastroenterol. 2009;44(11):1156-61.
- Gatti A, Maranghi M, Bacci S, Carallo C, Gnasso A, Mandosi E, Fallarino M, Morano S, Trischitta V, Filetti S. Poor glycemic control is an independent risk factor for low HDL cholesterol in patients with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Care. 2009 Aug;32(8):1550-2.
- Irace C, Scavelli F, Carallo C, Serra R, Cortese C, Gnasso A. Body mass index, metabolic syndrome and carotid atherosclerosis. Coron Artery Dis. 2009 Mar;20(2):94-9. 26: Irace C, Scavelli F, Carallo C, Serra R, Gnasso A. Plasma and blood viscosity in metabolic syndrome. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 2009 Sep;19(7):476-80.
- Irace C, Tschakovsky ME, Carallo C, Cortese C, Gnasso A. Endothelial dysfunction or dysfunctions? Identification of three different FMD responses in males with type 2 diabetes. Atherosclerosis. 2008 Oct;200(2):439-45.
- Carallo C, Lucca LF, Ciamei M, Tucci S, de Franceschi MS. Wall shear stress is lower in the carotid artery responsible for a unilateral ischemic stroke. Atherosclerosis. 2006 Mar;185(1):108-13.
- Irace C, Cortese C, Fiaschi E, Carallo C, Sesti G, Farinaro E, Gnasso A. Components of the metabolic syndrome and carotid atherosclerosis: role of elevated blood pressure. Hypertension. 2005 Apr;45(4):597-601.
- Irace C, Cortese C, Fiaschi E, Carallo C, Farinaro E, Gnasso A. Wall shear stress is associated with intima-media thickness and carotid atherosclerosis in subjects at low coronary heart disease risk. Stroke. 2004 Feb;35(2):464-8.
- Gnasso A, Carallo C, Irace C, De Franceschi MS, Mattioli PL, Motti C, Cortese C. Association between wall shear stress and flow-mediated vasodilation in healthy men. Atherosclerosis. 2001 May;156(1):171-6.
- Gnasso A, Motti C, Irace C, Carallo C, Liberatoscioli L, Bernardini S, Massoud R, Mattioli PL, Federici G, Cortese C. Genetic variation in human stromelysin gene promoter and common carotid geometry in healthy male subjects. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2000 Jun;20(6):1600-5.
- Carallo C, Irace C, Pujia A, De Franceschi MS, Crescenzo A, Motti C, Cortese C, Mattioli PL, Gnasso A. Evaluation of common carotid hemodynamic forces. Relations with wall thickening. Hypertension. 1999 Aug;34(2):217-21.
- Irace C, Carallo C, Crescenzo A, Motti C, De Franceschi MS, Mattioli PL, Gnasso A. NIDDM is associated with lower wall shear stress of the common carotid artery. Diabetes. 1999 Jan;48(1):193-7.
- Carallo C, Pujia A, Irace C, De Franceschi MS, Motti C, Gnasso A. Whole blood viscosity and haematocrit are associated with internal carotid atherosclerosis in men. Coron Artery Dis. 1998;9(2-3):113-7.
- Gnasso A, Calindro MC, Carallo C, De Novara G, Ferraro M, Gorgone G, Irace C, Romeo P, Siclari D, Spagnuolo V, Talarico R, Mattioli PL, Pujia A. Awareness, treatment and control of hyperlipidaemia, hypertension and diabetes mellitus in a selected population of southern Italy. Eur J Epidemiol. 1997 un;13(4):421-8.
- Gnasso A, Irace C, Carallo C, De Franceschi MS, Motti C, Mattioli PL, Pujia A. In vivo association between low wall shear stress and plaque in subjects with asymmetrical carotid atherosclerosis. Stroke. 1997 May;28(5):993-8.
- Gnasso A, Carallo C, Irace C, Spagnuolo V, De Novara G, Mattioli PL, Pujia A. Association between intima-media thickness and wall shear stress in common carotid arteries in healthy male subjects. Circulation. 1996 Dec 15;94(12):3257-62.
- Carallo C, Spagnuolo V, Siclari D, Talarico R, Pujia A, Gnasso A. [Relationship between lipid profile and blood viscosity in a sample of Calabrian population]. Minerva Cardioangiol. 1996 Jan-Feb;44(1-2):53-7. Italian.
- Pujia A, Gnasso A, Irace C, Romeo P, Carallo C, Cortese C, Colonna A, Mattioli PL. Intimal plus media thickness of common carotid arterial wall in subjects with hypertension. Artery. 1994;21(4):222-33.
Awards and Funding
2010: Winner of Measure 3.7 "Higher Education and University" - Public Notice for the Financing of Voucher for Participation in Master and PhD University, European Structural Funds, VI Framework Program.
2012: Winner of Project C.R.E.S.C.I.T.A. - "Knowledge Research And Development in Calabria for the start of Companies in Advanced Technology ", funded by the Italian Ministry of Economic Development.
2014: Winner of Project Mattone Internazionale, Public Notice N. 1: “Grant to the Italian Regions and Autonomous Provinces, in cooperation with the Local Health Authorities and Hospitals, for the implementation of information activities” - Italian Health System.